  • 學位論文


Freezing Effect in Tactile Perception: Sound Facilitates Tactile Identification by Enhancing Intensity but Not Duration

指導教授 : 葉素玲


先前研究顯示:一個在眾多低音(低音流)中的高音,會增進與其同時呈現的視覺刺激之辨識。過去學者猜測:此視覺辨識提升是因高音吸引了注意力,而注意力延長了刺激表徵的持續時間所致,彷若高音「凍結」了視覺刺激,故稱此現象為「凍結效應」。凍結效應是否存在於視覺之外的感官、和背後機制究竟為何,至今仍是個謎。本研究首次發表聽覺和觸覺間的凍結效應:一個低音流中的高音,會增進同時呈現的觸覺刺激辨識(實驗一)。本研究進一步使用定值刺激法,搭配二選項的強迫選擇(two-alternative forced-choice),得到觸覺刺激持續時間長度和強度的主觀相等點,以代表受試者內在的主觀持續時間和主觀強度。結果顯示:和先前學者的猜測相反,高音並不會延長觸覺刺激的主觀持續時間,反而會加強主觀強度約12%(實驗二)。若直接提高觸覺刺激的物理強度12%,受試者的刺激辨識亦隨之提升(實驗三)。綜觀之,相較於延長刺激持續時間的注意力機制,本研究更加支持增加主觀強度的跨感官整合機制為凍結效應的背後歷程。


Identification of a visual target can be enhanced by a simultaneously presented high tone embedded in a sequence of low tones. This is called “freezing effect” because it is as if the target display was frozen in time by the tone. Until now, however, it has not been known whether this sound facilitation effect exists for a target with modalities other than vision, such as tactility, and if so, what its underlying mechanism is. We demonstrate, for the first time, an audio-tactile freezing effect (Experiment 1). We use a method of constant stimuli in conjunction with a 2-AFC task to determine the point of subjective equality (PSE) of the duration (Experiment 2A) or intensity (Experiment 2B) of the tactile target. Results do not support the view that a high tone expands the duration of the tactile target; rather, that the tone enhances participants’ subjective tactile intensity. When the tactile intensity of the target was increased to match the shift of PSE as in Experiment 2B, this increased intensity indeed improved identification, further suggesting that intensity enhancement is the mechanism (Experiment 3). The perceived tactile intensity enhancement by a sound indicates genuine multisensory integration.


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