  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Advertising Effects of Cultural Appeals in Advertising between U.S. and Taiwan’s Consumers

指導教授 : 趙義隆


在現代社會中,廣告是商業活動的觸媒之一。而廣告的形成通常考量的因素不外乎是形象的營造與訴求的途徑,其關鍵的取決,除了商品種類外,社會大眾的喜好丶生活形態與價值觀的變遷都是關鍵決定因素。企業一方面希望利用標準化的廣告來達成節省成本的目的,另外又希望可以經由廣告途徑以達到最大銷售。然而學者均認為廣告內容若能訴諸當地文化價值,將更具滲透力,所以企業要達到以上目標需要跨文化的廣告研究輔助,以求能了解當地市場的文化特性與生活形態,並且激起消費者對訊息及產品之情感。本研究以大學生為受測者(台灣籍77位,美國籍41位),採用了2 (群體主義性、個體主義性) X 2 (感性訴求丶理性訴求) X 2(台灣丶美國消費者)的實驗因子設計,分成8組。以期了解不同地區的文化特性與其不同方式的廣告訴求之適配性。 結果顯示,在群體主義訴求與感性訴求中達到顯著性,這表示台灣與美國的受訪者對於這樣的訴求方式是有著不一樣的看法,台灣受測者的反應均大於美國受測者;相對的,本研究在個體主義訴求與理性訴求上,發現台灣與美國受訪者並無太大的差異性存在。研究結果不顯著的原因,可能源自於受測者本身的國家文化特質,因為本研究得出的國家文化特質分數與Hofstede的研究大不相同,這表示台大學生與在台的美國人無法代表所屬的國家文化特質,也因此違反本研究所假設應產生之差異性。所以衡量不同國家文化的受訪者的反應,找到一般性的受訪者應是較適切的抽樣樣本。最後,本文詳細說明本研究限制丶管理實務及對未來研究方向之建議。


Advertisement is the most important and commonly used ways in marketing activities. Advertisement is also a major way to touch the consumers in modern society. The purpose of advertising is to deliver and promote information of products or services to consumers. Beside the nature of product and the company’s concept, the key point for the advertisement’s creating depend on the people’s life style and value. The company use standard advertisement to cut the cost. But they also hope make the maximum sales. Scholars think it is a better way to create advertisement with local cultural values. Cross cultural research for advertisement can help companies get goals. One hundred twenty-eight university students (77 from Taiwan & 41 from U.S.) participated in the study. The variables in this study include advertising appeal (hard-sell & soft-sell) and social orientation (collectivism & individualism) as independent variables; advertising effects (advertising attitude & product attitude & intention of persuade) as dependent variable and nationality (Taiwan & U.S.) as mediating variable. This research was using the method of questionnaire survey together with various kind of statistic analysis. Results show that collectivism & soft-sell result in different advertising effects. And individualism & hard-sell don’t result in different advertising effects. One possible reason is that samples can’t represent the national culture of Taiwan & U.S. respectively. Research and management practices, limitation, and suggestions for future research are delineated.


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