  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Senior High School Students’ Learning Time at/after School and Academic Achievement

指導教授 : 王宏文


本文藉由問卷調查法來研究高中學生校內、校外學習時間的狀況,並分析學習時間與學習成效之關係。採用立意抽樣的方式,獲得來自17所高中的1285份有效問卷。並將17所高中依照入學PR值,分為第一類群高中組、第二類群高中組、第三類群高中組與私立高中組等四組樣本。接著,本研究以最小平方法迴歸(OLS regression)分析全部樣本與分組樣本的國文、英文、數學三科目校內外學習時間和學測成績之關係。   研究結果發現,在校內學習時間方面,不同類型的高中開設輔導課程的數量差異頗大,但大致可以歸納出:私立學校、PR值較低學校與非基北區學校傾向舉辦較多輔導課程。其中,17所學校均舉辦的是高一至高三第八節輔導課程與高二升高三暑期輔導課程。而各類型的輔導課程中,只有暑期輔導課程和弱勢學生輔導課程對學測績有比較一致的正面幫助,並以第三類群高中組樣本的效果最顯著。在校外學習時間方面,發現高中學生補習風氣盛行,其中以第一類群高中組學生參與補習的比例最高,但只有第三類群高中組學生的補習時間能顯著提升其學測成績。在全部樣本中,則發現越仔細控制學生的起始能力,補習時間與學測成績之間越沒有顯著關係。最後,也發現父母社經地位原則上已經決定了子女進入的高中類型,而三個科目中又以英文學測成績最受父母社經地位之影響。


This study uses a questionnaire survey method to gather information about the situation of high school students' learning time at and after school, and analyzes the relationship between learning time and academic achievement. By purposive sampling, a total of 1285 questionnaires from 17 senior high schools (Grade 10-12) were collected. According to the admission percentile rank (PR), 17 high schools were divided into four groups: the first group (high-PR), the second group (medium-PR), the third group (low-PR) and private schools group. Then, this study uses OLS regression to analyze all samples and grouped samples for the relationship between their learning time at/after school and their GSAT (General Scholastic Ability Test) scores on Chinese, English, and Mathematics.  The empirical results show that the number of remedial courses offered by different senior high schools varies greatly, but it can be roughly summed up: Private schools, schools with low-PR and schools outside Taipei-Keelung area tend to hold more remedial courses. Among the various types of remedial courses, all 17 senior high schools offer the Eighth class for Grade 10-12 and the summer session for grade 12. However, only summer sessions and the remedial courses for disadvantaged students have relatively consistent positive effects on students’ academic achievement, and the results of the third group samples are the most significant. In terms of learning time after school, it is found that a large number of senior high school studnts go to cram school, especially those with high-PR. However, only students with low-PR could improve their academic achievement by going to cram school. In all samples, it is found that the more carefully students’ initial ability are controlled, the less significant the relationship between cram schooling and academic achievement is. Finally, the study indicates that the socioeconomic status of parents has in principle determined the type of senior high school that the children enter, and moreover, the GSAT score on English is mostly affected by the socioeconomic status of parents.


王麗雲、游錦雲,2005,〈學童社經背景與暑期經驗對暑期學習成就進展影響之研究〉。《教育研究集刊》,51(4): 1-41。
