  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Readmission in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭守夏


健保自從開辦後,在近幾年來一直面臨沉重的財務負擔,在各項因應對策及相關研究中, 對於醫療資源是否有濫用及浪費的情形,特別令人重視。另一方面,回顧美國1980年代後 ,實施一系列的醫療政策改革,使得原本成長快速的醫療費用得以有效控制,但在成功改 革同時,「病人推移」的問題也日益受到重視。而在台灣的醫療體系中,是否有醫療資源 重複使用,和所謂的「病人推移」現象,為本篇研究所欲探討的重點。 本研究參考TQIP所訂定之指標,以「非計畫性重複住院者為研究對象」,探討本篇三個研 究目的: 1.描述台灣地區非計畫性重複住院之現況,及其相關特性分佈 2.分析非計畫性重複住院的醫療資源使用之狀況,並評估醫療資源重複使用現象 3.探討台灣地區是否有「病人推移」的現象 本研究結果如下: 1. 2000年非計畫性重複住院者,約佔全國住院人數的3.6%。病患年齡越高及疾病次診斷數 越多者,越容易重複住院。重複住院者之轉歸代碼,改門診治療加治療出院所佔比例均高 達75%以上,而因轉診而重複住診者只佔11%。隨著醫院層級越高,其所看診之病人屬於重 複就診者之比例亦越高,且重複住院者有往高層級就醫之趨勢。重複住院者其第一次就診 ,以在私立醫院所佔比例最多,其次是法人醫院;而重複住院者有往法人醫院、公立醫院 就醫的趨勢。地區資源高、中、低地區的重複住院比例是相差不大的。重複住院者中各種 不同之就醫類型,並無集中在某些特定疾病上之現象,腦動脈阻塞、糖尿病、肺炎為重複 住院者中各種不同之就醫類型之三大常見疾病。愈低層級醫院(地區醫院)主要為提供後續 照護性(after care)之醫療服務。 2.「重複住診於相同醫院者」的確比「重複住診於不同醫院者」,有較少醫療資源重複使 用之情形。而經由轉診而重複住診者,並不會減少醫療資源的重複使用。另外,從本研究 中稍微可以看出有刮脂效應(cream skimming)之情況發生,尤其是在放射線診察服務項目 上。 3.本研究沒有發現權屬別不同,其「轉出」的比例有不同存在,而醫學中心層級之公立醫 院,的確具有較高之「轉入」比例。在控制其他變項之後,發現被推移病人其病患年齡、 疾病次診斷數、急性病床住院天數,及各項醫療費用的確比較高。本研究因為無法直接得 知病人之轉出、轉入原因,因此,醫院是否為shifting或dumping的證據有限。 在本研究中,以重複「就診於不同醫院者」做為分析病人推移之研究對象,及利用「轉出 」、「轉入」之研究設計來判斷是否有病人推移之現象,雖不能直接證明其就是病人推移 之行為,不過仍可證明本研究所定義的「非計畫性重複住院」之住診於不同醫院者,的確 會造成醫療資源重複使用。而不管「重複就診於不同醫院」的現象是否為病人推移行為產 生的,從醫療供給面思考民眾的求醫行為,亦是需要注意的重點。 在國內有醫院層級之分的醫療體系下,造成轉診制度容許低層級醫院可將病人轉診至較高 層級之醫院,廣義的來說,也就是等於默許低層級醫院將病人推移至高層級醫院。但在此 政策目標之下,由於轉診制度設計的不夠健全,造成醫療體系之分級醫療功能不彰,所以 若是當病患被轉診或被推移至高層級醫院就診時,並不能真正的減少醫療資源的重複使用 。因此,造成轉診病患、或者是說政策所容許的病人推移現象,反而造成更嚴重的醫療資 源重複使用之現象。因此,在國內不只病人推移現象,而影響病人醫療可近性之問題值得 注意,其對於醫療資源重複使用之影響更是不可忽視。


Since Taiwan National Health Insurance program was established, it has had heavy financial burdens. The related studies pointed the most important cause to result in financial burdens is that medical resources are wasted and abused. After 1980’s, America implemented a serious of health policies, and successfully controlled medical expenditures that were increasing quickly at that time. During these reforms, the problem of “patient dumping” was noticed by people. In the study, we want to explore whether it has the phenomenon in repeating to use medical resources and patient dumping in Taiwan Health system.   This study refers to "unscheduled readmission" which is one of the indicators made by TQIP. Based on it, there are three purposes of the study. 1. Describing the phenomenon of unscheduled readmission and its related features. 2. Analyzing the phenomenon of repeating to use medical resources which was resulted from unscheduled readmissions. 3. Discussing whether it has the phenomenon of patient dumping in Taiwan.   Major findings of this study are as follows: 1. In 2000 years, unscheduled readmissions are 3.6 percent of national admissions. The diseases of unscheduled readmissions aren’t concentrated on certain some, but cerebral vascular accident, diabetes mellitus, pneumonia are the most common diseases. 2. Unscheduled readmissions in different hospitals really less repeat to use medical resources than unscheduled readmissions in the same hospital, and unscheduled readmission patients who are referred do not decreasely repeat to use medical resources. On the other hand, this study slightly finds the “ cream skimming” phenomenon, especially in radioactive processes. 3. After controlling other variables, this study finds that unscheduled readmissions patients who are dumped almost have higher age, more other diagnoses, more length of stay, and more medical expenditures. The data, however, cannot access the reasons that patients are dumped, so writer cannot directly suggest that hospitals have patient dumping behaviors.   Despite unscheduled readmissions in difference hospitals phenomenon results from patient dumping, it is important from supply side to think the seeking behavior of people. In Taiwan it attaches great importance that patient dumping phenomenon not only has the influences on accessibility but also makes repeated medical resources using.


referral initiative, severity, and the return of older population in a
2.Ansell DA, Schiff RL. “Patient dumping status, implications, and policy


