  • 學位論文


Effects of Ticketing Technology on BRT Design and Operation

指導教授 : 張學孔


公車捷運系統(Bus Rapid Transit, BRT)係結合了公車營運彈性及捷運服務品質之優點,且能依照其所服務的環境及需求量設計的大眾運輸系統。為了確保BRT系統於未來環境及運量變動後之系統服務品質,其能於日後逐步將設施升級的特性,相較於其他公共運輸系統而言,BRT具備了更大的營運彈性,因此規劃者與決策者需因應當地的需求來選擇各元素之組成型式。 在各項系統組成與功能中,票證技術形式為公車捷運系統的重要元素之一,其主要包含了收費程序、付費媒介及費率結構的選擇三個部分,傳統的車上收費程序會因為乘客的付費動作而造成上下車過程的時間延長,而其所耗費之時間又隨著付費媒介而改變,當需求量高於某一限度時,乘客服務時間將會對車輛的停等時間造成影響,降低公車捷運系統的容量及增加旅行時間。此外,票證技術形式的選擇除了對乘客旅行時間以及系統可靠度造成影響之外,進而會造成車輛旅行時間、業者之營運成本及系統容量之變動。 本研究分析票證技術對公車捷運系統之規劃設計與營運產生影響的重要因素,並建構數學模式,在系統總成本最小的目標下,分析不同票證技術對於公車捷運系統之站距、車站設施、車隊規模、班距、系統容量之影響,以了解不同票證技術之各成本項目間的權衡,比較各種票證技術形式之成本變化情形。根據研究結果得知,無接觸式智慧卡及車外收費相互搭配組合之票證技術形式,對於營運者及使用者成本節省效益在大部分情況下具有絕對之優勢;因此,增設車站收付費票證設備雖增加興建成本,但獲得營運與乘客時間效益相當顯著。同時,隨著智慧卡使用比例的提升,對於業者營運成本節省、乘客服務時間效率及便利性的提升亦有所助益,因此若現階段因其他影響因素而無法採用車外收費時,可考慮藉由增加智慧卡之使用功能與彈性,以提高智慧卡之普及率,進而降低車上收費之系統總成本,此一結果值得未來政府或業者於公車捷運系統建置時參考。


Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a public transportation that combines operational flexibility of bus system and service quality of rail system. Ticketing technology is an important element of the BRT. It’s a combination of fare collection system, fare payment technology and fare structure. The action of charging for passengers might result in long passenger service time, which is different with the fare payment technology, when collecting fares on vehicle. If the demand along the BRT line is higher than a certain limit, the passenger service time will influence the dwell time of vehicles at stops and then may reduce the capacity and increase round travel time. Thus, the travel time of passenger and reliability of system may depend on the type of ticketing technology, even the fleet size, operating cost and the capacity of BRT might be influenced by it. This research develops mathematic models to analyze effects of ticketing technologies on BRT design and operation. A minimum total cost is considered as the objective function while service headway and stop spacing are decision variables for three kinds of ticketing technologies. Research result has shown that combining pre-pay off-board system and contactless smart card technology can maximize the operation and user cost saving, although it might have higher initial cost for fare collection facilities. It is also shown that higher usage of smart card can enhance the efficiency of BRT, increase convenience of passengers, and reduce operation. Thus, if pre-pay off-board system couldn’t be implemented at present, the total cost of pay on-board system can still be reduced by promoting the popularity of contactless smart card. These results can help of planning and design of BRT systems.


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