  • 學位論文


Assessment on fish habitat area by the "wing deflector" design

指導教授 : 李鴻源


常見一般溪流生態工法施做,往往憑藉現地工程師之經驗,而本研究於文獻中得知日本有塊石堆砌工法,其目的在使低水流路蜿蜒化,洪流時不致於對河道造成全斷面之阻隔,在台灣內溝溪現場踏勘後發現相似工法,僅配置方式不同,因此欲探討其不同間距水理狀況變化對魚類棲地之影響。 本研究於台大水工試驗所雷射室進行水工模型實驗,並引入二維水理輸砂模式TABS-2模擬比對,根據模式模擬之結果來評估塊石堆砌工法之成效。 本文針對前人研究之台灣溪流指標物種鯉科、平鰭鰍科與蝦虎科三種魚類,探討模擬河段常流量兩種不同Fr下,工法在不同排列間距對其棲地可用面積之消長情形,並配合兩種棲地多樣性指數共同評估工法配置之優劣。 低Fr(Fr=0.42)模擬情況下,放置工法均導致魚類可用棲地面積下降,棲地多樣性指數均上升;高Fr(Fr=0.61)情況下,放置工法造成鯉科與蝦虎科可用棲地面積增加,平鰭鰍科可用棲地面積下降,而棲地多樣性指數均上升。其意義在於若原河段之流況較湍急不適合魚類生存,放置此類工法有助於提升魚類棲地可用面積。 在工法間距上,研究結果均顯示無論是單組或雙組工法設置,間距加大均有助於魚類可用棲地面積增加、棲地多樣性上升之結果,因此於現地施作上可做為未來工程考量之依據。


生態工法 水槽實驗 TABS-2 WUA 棲地多樣性


In general, the principles of stream ecological engineering are usually determined by traditional engineer’s experience. After studying relavant literature we found “wing deflectors” were used in Japan. They help streams to meander during normal discharge and do not obstruct the entire cross section of the river during flooding. In Taiwan, we found similar stream ecological engineering in Nei Gou Stream although with a slightly different design. In this study we test the change of hydraulic condition effects fish habitat in different design distance. A flume experiment and a 2-D numerical model, TABS-2, were employed to simulate the hydraulic characteristics in fixed-bed condition. In addition, by selecting Gobioidi, Cyprinidae and Homalopteridae as the indicator species, the change of fish habitat and the habitat diversity for two different Froude number conditions were discussed. In low Froude number (Fr=0.42) condition, the “wing deflector” design will decrease fish habitat area but will increase the habitat diversity. In high Froude number (Fr=0.61) condition, the “wing deflector” design will decrease Cyprinidae habitat area but will increase Gobioidi and Homalopteridae habitat area and also increase the habitat diversity. Results of the simulation show that with a wider design distance, both the fish habitat area and the habitat diversity will increase.


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