  • 學位論文


Computer-Aided Tool for Displaying Construction Sequence of Precast Building Components

指導教授 : 謝尚賢


建築工程不論在設計、規劃或是施工階段中,皆有為數眾多的相關圖說及圖表用以輔助說明工程現況及後續規劃,供設計者、營造單位及發包單位等與工程相關的人員進行討論。在預鑄構件吊裝的部份,目前台灣的營造單位在溝通的過程中多使用Power Point投影片,以階段式呈現吊裝進度的方式進行簡報、解說進度及施工規劃,而工程進度除了需定時簡報之外,工程規劃也時常因應工地現況進行修改,因此工程師需反覆編修進度投影片,且只使用土法煉鋼的方式:逐一擷取CAD軟體畫面並剪貼至簡報投影片中,加上目前未有適合的工具能快速的製作預鑄吊裝工序,使得身負多項工作的工程師需花費大量時間製作投影片,增加不少人力時間的負擔。基於前述狀況,本研究之主要目標為開發一套資訊工具,用以輔助工程師更有效率地編輯並展示預鑄構件吊裝順序之規劃,簡化耗時且反覆性高的簡報資料準備作業。 本研究以Autodesk公司的商用CAD軟體-Revit作為工具程式的主體,使用C#語言編寫實作一外部程式CSET(Construction Sequence Edit Tool),以提供直觀簡單同時易於編修預鑄構件吊裝的施工順序之介面,並以Revit的3D視窗及物件來動態展示展示編修完成之工序。本研究所提出的解決方案,除了Revit本身程式之功能外,另外透過CSET提供了快速且簡易的工序編輯介面,以簡化反覆性高、製作費時的施工順序簡報製作,並提供使用者以演算法輔助排序的擴充空間,節省工程人力資源投入於例行作業上的時間。


施工順序展示 預鑄構件 CAD Revit API


ABSTRACT There are many blueprints and charts for engineers to discuss and consult with during a building construction period. Nowadays most of construction corporations in Taiwan use Microsoft Power Point to present the construction progress, and construction planning of precast elements hoisting sequence. The engineers have to edit the presentation file repetitively and only have basic tool for this task-edit the CAD model, and paste the screenshot, and then repeat the process till the edit is finished. The engineers are responsible for many construction tasks but have to spend a lot of time to edit the presentation file, that is quite a burden for human resources. Therefore the main purpose of this research is to develop a tool to help the engineer edit and display construction sequence more effectively and reduce the time consumption for redundant tasks. This research chooses Autodesk Revit as the foundation of the developed tool, and uses C# programing language to implement a plug-in of Revit called CSET(Construction Sequence Edit Tool). CSET provides a simple and presentative interface which can help engineers to edit the construction sequence of hositing elements more easily, and then to display the sequence with Revit’s model and viewer. With CSET, the time consumption of producing the construction sequence briefing can be reduced and the corresponding human resources for the highly redundant tasks can be saved.


Precast Element Construction Sequence Display CAD Revit API


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