  • 學位論文


Multi-choice Goal Programming for Best Decision of Consumer's Purchasing LCD TV

指導教授 : 陳思寬 張錦特


本研究首先建立液晶電視購買決策模型,之後使用決策模型提供的決策建議,分別從消費購買與產品銷售來探討,最後做產品整合分析提出最佳的組合建議。具體說明如下: 一、建立液晶電視購買決策模型,以提供客觀嚴謹分析的基礎。 二、從決策模型提供的建議,分析消費者購買結果。 三、從決策模型提供的建議,分析產品銷售結果。 四、探討產品整合分析,提出最適製造銷售優先順序與比例組合的建議。 依據上述分析結果,提出行銷策略與建議,以供液晶電視業者選擇目標市場及制定行銷策略之參考。


The model for consumer’s purchasing LCD TV will be first built. Then the model is used as a decision aid to help consumer make an appropriate decision. According to the decision result, the consumer behavior and product selling will be discussed, respectively. The overall suggestion of production and selling will be provided. It is described in details below. 1. The model for consumer’s purchasing LCD TV is built. It is used to analyze fairly that consumer purchasing LCD TV 2. According to the suggestions provided by the decision model, while the consumer behavior will be discussed and analyzed. 3. According to the suggestions provided by the decision model, the situations of selling LCD TV will be discussed and analyzed. 4. The combination for production and selling will be discussed. Then the best policy of production and selling will be obtained. Based on the above results, the marketing strategies and suggestions will be obtained for helping the LCD TV company to make an appropriate decision for their target market and strategy.


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