  • 學位論文


Development of Path Generating and Electrode Forming for Multi-axis EDM

指導教授 : 蔡曜陽


金屬材料如鈦基合金或鎳基合金,廣泛用於航太部件,如渦輪葉輪、擴散器、進氣口等部件,或是生醫部件,如骨板,但其材質難以切削,因此放電加工為新的選擇,大致來說,這些部件幾何形狀複雜而多有孔穴,因此需要四軸至六軸的放電加工製程,以全球製造業現況而言,雖然有放電加工設備,但缺乏應用軟體,而現有的商用CAD/CAM軟體,皆無適合航太部件放電加工的路徑規劃模組,因此為了能夠製作可使用的應用軟體,利用現有商用CAD/CAM軟體進行二次開發,是相對有效且快速的方法。 本論文以複雜幾何形狀之孔穴為研究對象,以商用軟體之二次開發架構,設計出一套能夠根據工件幾何形狀和放電加工機台的自由度做調整的加工路徑暨電極同步生成規劃模組,並且能於工程使用。


Metal material, like nickel based alloy and titanium based alloy are prreferred as the priority that used in aerospace components, like blisk, diffuser…etc., and biomedical components, like boneplate. But these materials are difficult to be cut. So the electrical discharge machining (EDM) is the alternative solution. Generally, these components are complex shape and mostly with holes or cavities. So 4-axis to 6-axis EDM process is needed. Although there are plenty of multi-axis EDM equipments all around world but there is no commerical software for multi-axis EDM. To build an executable solution, it relatively fast and convienent by using secondary development of commercial CAD/CAM software. In this thesis, the main propose is to design and develop a module that can produce electrode and corresponding path, according to the degree of freedom of machine and the shape of cavity or hole of the workpiece. And the module can use in pratical machining.


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