  • 學位論文


The Editing of Western Zhou Appointment Inscriptions and the Nobles’ Memory

指導教授 : 徐富昌


冊命銘文是西周貴族在接受周王任命後,選擇特定資訊以特定格式編寫而成的銘文,因此冊命銘文包含器主有意識的個人選擇以及產生於社會的格式規範。這些選擇與規範反映西周貴族的共同記憶、西周社會的結構與價值觀。本文以王明珂提出之「文本分析」為方法,從歷來學者較少採取的社會記憶角度分析冊命銘文。   本文認為銅器銘文在西周時期貴族記憶的傳遞中扮演觸媒與保存的角色,用以提示觀者所載之事件並強調其重要性。冊命銘文的格式包含時間地點、冊命儀式、命書內容、受命儀式、作器銘辭等部份,有助於讀者理解與記憶。參與者與賞賜物是是冊命銘文中主要的資訊。周王是參與者中必然之存在,右者可能是受命者的長官或是朝廷中的重臣,因其見證人的性質與在貴族人際網絡的地位而較少被減省;史官為周王之代言人,在紀錄上常較為簡略。冊命賞賜多以外顯的器物為主。賞賜物是身份地位與周王恩賞的代表,亦在周王與臣下之間形成以物質換取忠誠與人情的「債務關係」,又為器主在家族內取得子孫支持的威望物,因此紀錄在銘文展示與備忘。冊命銘文是器主家族記憶的一部份,子孫藉此認識政府官員與人際網絡,瞭解父祖的成就以完成「繼承」任務、延續家族地位。因貴族群體享有相同的經驗與人際網絡,冊命與冊命銘文也是貴族群體的共同記憶。冊命銘文所反映出之西周社會的宗族與人際關係以及重視政治成就的價值觀,透過家族內部的垂直傳遞與家族間的水平連結,在貴族群體內代代相傳。


冊命銘文 記憶 社會記憶 編寫 格式 西周


Western Zhou Nobles composed appointment inscriptions according to a specific pattern after being assigned with new titles or jobs. Therefore, appointment inscriptions contain both the owners’ opinions and concepts hidden behind the inscription pattern. The concepts reflect social memories, social structures and values of Western Zhou nobles. This thesis applied the method of “text analysis” brought up by Ming-ke Wang to study the appointment inscriptions from the perspective of social memory. Bronze inscriptions acted like reminders of social memories: they reminded descendants stories inscribed on the vessels and emphasized their importance. Time, place, the appointment ritual, the appointment document, the saluting ritual and the dedication constitute the pattern of appointment inscriptions, helping descendants to memorize. The main information in appointment inscriptions are attendants and the bestowed gifts. The king is the absolute attendants. Youzue(右者) was the senior official who acted like the witness and the approval from the noble networks. Shi(史) were the king’s spokesman so he could sometimes be deleted. Gifts represent the appointee’s status, the king’s favor, the owing relationship between the king and the appointee and the precise goods inside the family. The appointment inscriptions played a part in the family memory. The descendants learned noble networks and ascendants’ achievement to success and maintain the family’s status. Also, since nobles shared same appointing experience and social networks, they shared same kind of social memory. Carried by appointment inscriptions, the family structure, the social networks and the emphasis of political achievement spread through families and generations, strengthening the social structure of Western Zhou.


Allen W. Johnson、Timothy Earle, The Evolution of Human Societies : from foraging group to agrarian state(人類社會的演化:從採集團體到農業國家), Standford, Califormia: Stanford University Press, 2000.
