  • 學位論文


Study on Flexibile Human Resource Management in the Public Service of Entrepreneuriol Government

指導教授 : 柯承恩


本研究依據瑞士洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)的全球競爭力報告,我國「政府效能」比「總體表現」為差,而政府效能不彰的因素包括「政府組織僵化」及「文官制度缺乏彈性」,我國對「政府組織僵化」問題,已制定「中央行政機關組織基準法」,及研擬「行政院組織法」修正草案以為因應,但對於「文官制度缺乏彈性」部分,尚未提出具體改進措施,爰本研究乃分析我國公務人員任用制度面臨之挑戰,蒐集公務人力彈性化管理之理論,並擷取世界先進國家公務人力彈性運用制度之優點,研擬我國公務人力多元進用制度,供有關機關參採。 我國公務人員現有376,128人,佔總人口之2.64%,佔就業人口之6.28%,與其他國家比較係屬中庸,惟人事總額佔中央政府總預算歲出總額之27.2%,與其他國家比較高出甚多,影響國家整體建設與經濟發展甚巨。而我國公務人員任用制度存在的問題,包括:考試用人缺乏彈性、用人機關無法自行遴用所需人才、缺乏高階主管人員培育制度、欠缺無效人力淘汰機制、欠缺多元進用管道、自成體系無法充份反映民意等。反觀世界先進國家之人事制度,具有健全政務職位制度、高級文官任命彈性化、設置非公開競爭考試職位之優點,足供借鏡。 從研究之理論與實務,綜合歸納,獲致結論,我國公務人力彈性制度策略主要目標為:政黨政治、多元彈性及績效管理,依據三個目標對應職位設計,提出具體建議如下: 一、政務職位制度規劃案:制定「政務人員法」、「政務人員行為法」及「政務人員俸給法」。 二、高級行政主管職位制度規劃案:訂定「公私部門高級人才交流辦法」。 三、契約聘僱職位制度規劃案:訂定「聘僱人員管理辦法」。 四、短期臨時職位制度規劃案:僱用全職或部分工時之臨時人員,另外亦可委託外包民間公司。 五、人事費總額管制規劃案:匡列人事費總額上限,超過不予支付,節餘發給獎金。 六、功績考核制度規劃案:訂定「員工績效考核辦法」及「不適任現職人員處理辦法」。


Based on the report of global competitiveness issued by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), it shows that our government efficiency performs weaker than the total performance. The reasons that lead government efficiency weak include a rigid government organization and framework and inflexible official hierarchies. To respond the problem of a rigid government organization and framework, our government adopts effectively setting up of the “Basic Organic Law of Central Administrative Agencies and drafting of the Amendments to the Organic Law of Executive Yuan, but to that of inflexible official hierarchies, it remains in no concretely practicable policies proposed for its improvement. This study is therefore aimed at the issues concerning our nation’s government employment system and criticizes where is its bottleneck in light of the theory of flexible management in government labors searched out, and further outlines an ideally diverse government employment system derived from learning the advantage of the developed countries’ government employment system in flexibly hiring labors for concerned agencies’ reference. The number of our current government officials is 276,128, making up about 2.64% of the total population and 6.28% of the employed population. Comparing with other countries, it is not obviously high but falls in the middle level. Yet its personnel expense, sharing 27.2% of the total annual budget of our central government, only exceeds other countries’ too much, which may result in a grave impact on the whole nation from the national construction to its economic development. The questions arising from our government employment system includes: a rigid policy by a national exam for hiring government labors, government-affiliated agencies enjoying no liberty in newcomer recruitment and employment, lacking of the system for professionally training high-level managerial talents, no building of an elimination mechanism for improper labors, lacking of diverse labors employment channels and a bureaucratically arrogant system built under no consideration of people’s voice and needs. On the contrary, the personnel system established in those developed countries performs mature and integrated from the officials rank system, flexible appointment of high-level civil officials to the setting-up of government employment exam held by non-public competition, all of which serve us well in the improvement of our government employment system. This study approaches in both theoretical and practical direction and has concluded that a flexibility in our employment system of government labors may be implemented under three objectives of a form of democracy existing both ruling party and opposition party, diverse and flexible, and performance efficiency management. A substantial proposal for devising official ranks and positions system according to the said objectives may be set forth below: 1. Project for the formulation of official ranks and positions system: Setting-up of “Governing Law for Government Administration Employees”, “Behavior Law for Government Administration Employees” and “Emolument Law for Government Administration Employees”. 2. Project for the formulation of ranks and positions system for high-level supervisors: Setting-up of “Measures of High-level Managerial Staffs Exchange between the Public Sector and the Private Sector”. 3. Project for the formulation of contracted hiring system: Setting-up of “Governing Law for Employees”. 4. Project for the formulation of short-term and temporary hiring system: Providing a temporarily full-time or part-time hire. Labor demands may be also considered through a private labor agency company. 5. Project for the planning of the budget control for personnel expense: Drawing out of the maximum limit for personnel expense and bonus payment. 6. Project for the formulation of performance evaluation system: Setting-up of “Criterions for Employee Performance Evaluation” and “Measures for Elimination of Improper Staffs”.


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3.Dave Ulrich, Michael R. Losey, & Gerry Lake,2002,Tomorrow’s HR Management:48 Thought Leaders Call for Change,


