  • 學位論文


A Study on the Fund-Raising for the Environmental Trust Fund of National Parks in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林建元


國家公園設置的目標在於透過有效的經營管理與保育措施,以維護國家公園特殊的自然環境與生物多樣性。台灣地區自民國71年起,陸續公告並成立玉山、陽明山、太魯閣、雪霸、金門以及東沙環礁國家公園,除金門國家公園為保存文化史蹟除外,其餘五處國家公園皆以保育資然資源為主,經過歷年的發展,國家公園已成為台灣地區資源與環境保育之重要櫥窗。 國家財政資源有限,除政府編列預算之外,未來如何運用信託基金之設置以增加我國國家公園於研究保育與經營管理之經費,乃為本研究之目標。 有鑑於英國、美國與日本,皆成功地以國民環境信託方式,進行部分國家公園資源資源研究保育與經營管理,本研究以設置國家公園環境信託基金,鼓勵民眾參與國家公園自然資源保育研究與經營管理,增加發展之經費。主要針對國家公園環境信託基金之之財源籌措及使用之監督管理研擬方案,建立四種合理且可行之國家公園環境信託基金設置模式。 財務面向、管理面向及社會面向為國家公園信託基設置模式評估之三大重要面向,本研究就三個面向建立評估準則,採取AHP層級分析法,藉由專家問卷方式,得知三大面向中各準則所佔之權重;同時,再藉由專家學者依各準則對於本研究所擬定之信託基金財源籌措與使用監督管理之方案進行評分,計算出各方案加權得分,進而再統計出各模式之加權總分。以加權得分最高之全國型政府管理國家公園環境信託基金模式為最佳且合理可行之設置模式,其次為個別型政府管理模式。顯示由政府單位進行信託基金之管理,可能獲得較多之政府資源,同時具有較高之管理公信力。


In order to preserve the natural environment and bio-diversity of national parks, eight national parks have been established in Taiwan since 1982. These national parks have conserved the important natural resource and environment in Taiwan. Due to the limited funding sources of the national parks, research budget for the conserved natural environment decreased in recent years. National trust funds have successfully not only preserved conservation areas, but also managed the heritages in the Great Britain,U.S.A, and Japan. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the most appropriate fund raising model of national trust fund for the national parks in Taiwan. In this thesis, four different models of the national park trust fund are foumulated and evaluated in terms of income, management, and expenditure factors. Given the four feasible models of the national parks trust fund, we need to evaluate them in order to idnetify the most appropriate one. The first step is to identify evaluation criteria against three objects(finance, management, and social aspects), and then based on the “Analytic Hierarchy Process Method”, the weight of each each criteria in the evaluation feasible model is derived. Secondly, this study invited thirteen experts to fill in questionaries for evaluation. Through calculations, the weighting scores of each evaluation criteria are different in terms of income and management gets different scores. According to the weighting scores of each scheme of income and management, we can calculate the total weighted scores of each model. It is concluded that the most satisfiable model of national trust fund for the national parks in Taiwan is the model that funds are managed by the Construction and Planning Agency ,Ministry of the Interior.


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Becher Ernst, 2001。“National Trust Fund to Finance Immunization in Developing Countries”


