  • 學位論文

台灣發光二極體封裝和照明產業的發展策略創新 與問題管理研究

A Study on the Development Strategy and Innovation of Taiwan’s LED Package and Application Industry

指導教授 : 柯承恩
共同指導教授 : 陳國泰(Kuo-Tai Chen)


台灣的LED產業經過多年來各方的努力,已經成為國家的重要產業,也成為世界上LED工業一個重要的供應環。然而近年來國際大廠不斷降價,或是專利的訴訟策略,加上中國大陸的急起直追,都讓台灣LED照明業者備感壓力。到底LED產業的供需出現了什麼問題?台灣的LED產業還有沒有機會?又,台灣LED產業的發展究竟面臨哪些挑戰?是不是也可以像是IT產業立足於世界?是不是也可以發展如台灣資訊產業代工的生態?台灣的LED產業在照明應用的機會為何?又該有如何的策略思考?這些都是本論文所想要探討的內容。 本研究分別從各種LED照明的應用在全球各地區的照明市場作分析,探討台灣LED產業於照明發展的機會和挑戰。本研究採用綜合學者和業者訪談、SWOT分析、波特五力分析,就三大課題提出可能的策略方案:一、如何因應世界五大廠的專利? 二、如何因應中國及韓國LED廠商的低價策略? 三、如何突破並強化LED應用的趨勢? 不論是從學者和業者訪談、SWOT分析,或是波特五力分析,都可以窺見未來台灣LED產業發展的隱憂。台灣LED產業發展具有得天獨厚的優勢,不論是完善的產業鏈、高品質的產品或是服務,抑或是多年的產業代工生產經驗,這些都不是目前的其他競爭者所擁有。至於弱點或是威脅這也都是目前中國或是韓國競爭者所共同面對。我認為新產品和新應用的開發以及經營模式的創新將會帶領台灣LED照明產業進入一個輝煌的世代。 我企盼本研究可以提供相關廠商經營的參考價值。


Taiwan LED industry has become very important after many years of development and effort. It has also become a key role within the global LED supply chain. However, in recent years, Taiwan’s LED light industry has been under tremendous pressure from global cost pressures, intellectual property (IP) legal battles, and China’s effort to catch up in technology/cost. What is the impact to the Taiwan LED industry? Does Taiwan’s LED industry still have a chance to survive? What are the challenges for Taiwan’s LED industry in the future? Can Taiwan LED industry continue to lead? Does the OEM business model of the IT industry suit the LED industry? What will be the strategy for Taiwan's LED industry? These are questions to be addressed within this thesis. In this study, we will analyze the applications of LED lighting in various regions of the world. We will explore opportunities and challenges of Taiwan’s own LED lighting industry development. This study will consider comprehensive interviews from academic and industry experts, SWOT analysis, and Porter’s five force analysis with regard to possible strategic options on three key topics: First; how to respond to the world’s growing Intellectual Property (IP) legal battles? Second; how to respond to China and Korea’s low cost strategy? Third; how to accelerate the adoption of LED and create new application for LEDs? It is obvious to see the future concern of the development of Taiwan’s LED industry either from the academic/industry interviews, SWOT analysis, or Porter’s five force analysis. However, the robust supply chain, high-quality products and services, or the experience in support foundry industry are all the unique advantages of Taiwan’s LED industry. These are all the key strengths and opportunities over the competition though Taiwan’s LED industry has weakness and threats as well against Chinese and Korean competitors. I believe the innovation of development, application and business models will lead Taiwan’s LED lighting industry into a brilliant new generation. I am hoping this study can provide a reference of value for LED business management.


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9. Strategies Unlimited, The Worldwide Market for LEDs: Market Review and Forecast, Apr. 2013
1. Alex Wang, 14th Symposium Polymer Materials and Applied Technology for 3C Industries, Presentation Material, 10/7, 2011
2. Delta, 2011 - Tactics of Taiwanese LED Manufacturers to Obtain a Global Presence, Delta Electrnics, Inc., 2011.
