  • 學位論文


Robust Adaptive Array Signal Processing with Multiple-Beam Constraints

指導教授 : 李枝宏


摘 要 藉由可適性天線陣列,我們能夠接收某一特定方向的信號,或同時接收多個特定方向上的信號,並且將其他方向上的雜訊以及干擾訊號消除。然而,此可適性天線陣列會由於釵h非理想效應的影響,例如:天線元件位置擾動以及信號入射角度誤判,而使得可適性天線陣列的效能嚴重降低。在本論文,即針對此兩非理想效應,並配合一維天線陣列架構以及二維天線陣列架構分別討論。 本論文使用四種解決方案來修正此非理想效應所造成的影響。其中三種是本實驗室所發展出之修正法,分別為在[14]中提出之ITAM配合一階微分限制法(DITAM),[19]中提出之限制目標函數梯度法配合雜訊子空間投影法(Cheng),以及本論文提出之改良式限制目標函數梯度法配合雜訊子空間投影法(Improved Method)。而第四種方法則為近年來文獻上[16-17,25-27] 常被討論之方法對角線負載(Diagonal Loading)。 在第三章跟第四章我們用DITAM、Cheng以及Diagonal Loading解決一維及二維天線陣列元件位置擾動的問題之中,Cheng方法[19]能夠有較佳的修正能力。在第五章,我們用Improved Method、Cheng以及Diagonal Loading解決二維天線陣列信號入射角度誤判的問題中,經由實驗模擬,本論文所提出之Improved Method有最佳的修正效果。


Abstract We can receive a signal from a specific DOA (direction of arrival) or receive more than one signal from different DOAs by using adaptive antenna array, and we can suppress noise and interference. However, the adaptive antenna array may suffer from many non-ideal effects, for example: array element position perturbations and signal direction angle error, these kinds of non-ideal effects will deteriorate the performance of adaptive antenna array. In this thesis, we focus on correcting these two non-ideal effects using one-dimensional antenna array structure and two-dimensional antenna array structure. We use four methods to correct the non-ideal effects in this thesis. Three of them were developed from our laboratory, the first one is DITAM discussed in [14], the second is Method discussed in [19], and the third one is Improved Method that will be discussed in this thesis. The last method is Diagonal Loading which has been discussed in many papers[16-17,25-27] in recent years. We use DITAM, Method, and Diagonal Loading to solve the array elements position perturbation problem in chapter 3 and chapter 4. Better robustibility has been shown in Method. In chapter 5, we use Method, Diagonal Loading, and Improved Method to solve the signal direction angle error problem. According to the experiments, Improved Method has the best robustibility.


[1]P.W. Howells, ”Exploration in fixed and adaptive resolution at GE and SURC, ” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 24, pp. 575-584, Sept. 1976.
[2]S.P. Applebaum, ”Adaptive arrays, ”IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 24, pp. 585-598, Sept. 1976.
[3]B. Widrow and S.D. Strearns, Adaptive Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. , 1985.
[4]L.E. Brennan, J.D. Mallett and I.S. Reed, ” Adaptive arrays in airborne MTI radar, ” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 24, pp. 607-615, Sept. 1976.
[5]R.T. Compton Jr. , R.J. Huff, W.G. Swarner and A.A. Ksienski, ” Adaptive arrays for communication systems : An overview of research at the Ohio State University, ” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 24, pp. 599-610, Sept. 1976.


