  • 學位論文


The integrated marketing communication strategy of heavy metal music

指導教授 : 趙義隆


音樂產業,尤其是唱片公司,常以大量的宣傳刺激消費,將行銷視為公司中最重要的功能之一,但是由於音樂產業中產品的獨特性高、市場的變動性大,加上長期以來企業希望維持業務的機密性,造成可供研究分析的資料和數據相當缺乏,使得音樂產業在行銷方面的相關研究,無論國內或國外都不多見。因此本文嘗試將1990年代興起的行銷新觀念-整合行銷傳播策略,與重金屬樂結合,希望能建構出一個適合音樂產業用以行銷一種樂風的系統化模式。 整合行銷傳播在提出之後,就成為影響品牌行銷以及傳播最深遠的理論之一。這個行銷傳播計劃的概念,應評估不同的傳播媒體與接觸點在策略思考中扮演的角色,並將之結合,提供傳播清晰一致的訊息,創造最大的傳播效益。這是因應市場的激烈競爭背景下,行銷傳播的重要趨勢。因此本研究在文獻探討部分整理各家學者對整合行銷傳播的論述,並重新審視其架構。 其後再運用文獻分析法與歷史結構法,整理得出美國重金屬樂的擴散模式,以媒體面觀之,音樂錄影帶、唱片、演唱會、電影、雜誌、錄影帶以及廣播電台成功的使重金屬樂在美國民眾心中佔下一席之地。接著與搖滾帝國及環球唱片業者深度訪談,瞭解台灣重金屬樂唱片的產銷流程,以及授權和進口國外唱片的模式,以了解產業價值鏈中各個重要的利益關係人。 分析以上資訊並初步建構出適合音樂產業的整合行銷傳播模式後,即與TRA Music、搖滾帝國以及瑪雅唱片三家個案公司進行深度訪談,瞭解這些台灣的重金屬樂提倡者如何運用整合行銷傳播策略,在台灣推廣重金屬樂,並據以驗證及修正本研究的整合行銷傳播模式。最後發現此一理論模式確實能作為重金屬樂風推廣者的行銷傳播規劃依據,此一模式經過部分流程與行銷傳播元素的調整後,亦可運用至其它樂風的推廣,修正後的模式可分為五大部分: 一、消費者部分:應運用質化分析與量化分析法瞭解消費者,以作為 建立消費者區隔的依據,並選擇欲針對的目標客群,探討其真正 的需求點。 二、其他利益關係人部分:應先檢視是否有任何可能影響到樂風推廣 活動的人或團體,並且探討他們的利益點。 三、發展行銷計畫:針對各個區隔的消費者以及各種利益關係人,分 別設計一個足以使他們信服的溝通訊息,使他們願意捨棄其他機 會,而將資源投注在重金屬樂的行銷傳播活動上。 四、行銷傳播元素:運用演唱會、唱片、音樂錄影帶、廣播電台、公 關、人員銷售、平面宣傳品、網路以及雜誌等接觸點,傳播溝通 訊息。 五、產品、價格以及通路的配合:價格、產品以及通路均應符合行銷 計畫所設計出的溝通訊息。


This paper attempted to combine the newly-rising concept of marketing in the 90s—the strategy of integrated marketing communication and heavy metal music. The researcher expected to construct a systematic model which can comply with the marketing of music industry. Initially, the researcher employed the analysis of literature and historical structural analysis to generalize the diffusion pattern of American heavy metal music. With the profound interview with Rock Empire Music and Universal Music, the researcher further access to the production and marketing process and authorization of the industry of Taiwan heavy metal records as well as the model of importing foreign records in order to recognize the important beneficial parties of industry value chain. After analyzing the above information and initially establishing the integrated marketing communication model which was suitable for music industry, the researcher proceeded with profound interviews with three target companies of TRA Music, Rock Empire Music and Magnum Music in order to understand how these promoters of Taiwanese heavy metal music operated the strategy of integrated marketing communication and promoted heavy metal music in Taiwan. With examination and modification of the model of integrated marketing communication, the research finally found out that this theoretical model could actually function as the basis with respect to the marketing communication planning of the promoters of heavy metal music. Upon the modification of partial process and elements of marketing communication, this model could also be applied to the promotion of other kinds of music. The modified model was divided into five sections: (i)Consumer: One should employ qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to access to the consumers which could function as the basis for establishing the categories of consumers. The researcher could further select the target customers and explore their authentic demands. (ii)Other stakeholders: one should initially examine the possible individuals or groups who might affect the promoting activities of music and explore their benefits. (iii)Development of marketing planning: With regard to the consumers of each section and various beneficial parties, one could respectively design a communication message which could convince them to discard other opportunities and manage the resources upon the marketing communication of heavy metal music. (iv)Elements of marketing communication mix: One could employ concerts, records, music videos, radio stations, public relation, personal sales, print promos, Internet and magazines to spread the communication messages. (v)Coordination of products, prices and channels: The prices, products and channels should comply with the communication messages designed by the marketing plans.


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