  • 學位論文


A Journey to Icebreaking:Emotion Sharing in Superficial Friendship

指導教授 : 黃囇莉


過去對友誼發展的研究多採社會滲透論,認為互動雙方在日常接觸中隨著時間由淺到深互相自我揭露,在揭露過程中彼此的親近感慢慢增加,友誼也逐步增進。然而黃囇莉(1999/2006)揭示了華人友誼中虛性和諧的部份。在虛性和諧中的朋友彼此心中暗藏著不滿或不合,可能在生活中行禮如儀、互稱朋友,卻沒有主動親近對方、深化兩人關係的意願,平常的溝通互動也只停留在表面層次,若以自我揭露理論來看,虛性和諧的友誼似乎只停留且凍結在虛化狀態中。本論文進行三個研究,試圖探討Rime(1991)所提出的「社會情緒分享」──個人產生情緒後自動對週遭關係對象進行分享──這種近乎自然反應的現象,並理解其對友誼關係的影響,進而探討情緒分享使虛性和諧友誼破冰的可能性及要件。 前導研究主要目的在檢驗華人文化下情緒分享的基本現象,且探討實/虛性和諧友誼中情緒分享模式的異同,以及情緒分享是否影響分享後之友誼關係變化。研究採問卷施測,以383位大學生為對象。結果顯示:情緒分享不論在實/虛性關係中都會發生,且各種情緒都會分享,也會影響分享後之友誼關係變化。實/虛性和諧友誼之情緒分享模式大致相近,但實性和諧朋友中情緒分享的頻率顯著高於虛性關係中的朋友。研究二針對前導研究結果中分享頻率較低的虛性和諧中的情緒分享現象,以深度訪談進行質化研究。結果發現,虛性和諧中的情緒分享能化解虛性和諧中的不合部分,使原先的虛性友誼「歸零」,且歸零過程涉及分享時的「共享秘密感」。因此,本論文再進行研究三,以進一步檢驗情緒分享對關係變化之影響。研究三以問卷方式進行實驗故事操弄,以四種情緒如悲傷、快樂、內疚、喜歡之分享為獨變項,以無情緒分享為控制組,檢驗不同情緒與分享前之實虛性關係對分享後關係變化的影響。另外,也檢驗研究二中「共享秘密感」作為影響分享後關係變化之中介效果。研究結果顯示,再次確認情緒分享能使分享後關係變好,且這樣的效果受到先前關係實/虛性和諧的調節。另外,也確認在虛性和諧中,負向情緒對分享後關係變化的影響是以「共享秘密感」為中介因子,而正向情緒則未以此為中介。 綜合三個研究結果得知,主動分享方出於宣洩情緒的衝動,在偶然機會下會對虛性和諧朋友進行情緒分享,雖然在分享時並未想要藉此改變兩人關係,然而對接受分享方而言,這樣的情緒分享卻促使兩人關係解凍,因接受方對分享方產生同理,改變先前的不良印象,且出現「共享秘密感」,令傾向負面的關係回到沒有心結的原點,兩人不再抗拒親近,雙方在後續的相處中慢慢往實性和諧的友誼邁進。


Most researches on friendship usually followed the “Social Penetration Theory” that considers the interacting dyad progressively disclose their selves each other in daily interaction and gradually develop intimacy. Huang’s theory (1999/2006) suggests paying attention to superficial harmonious side of friendship. Friends under superficial harmony may conceal their disagreements and not really like each other, even they call the other as “a friend”. They also won’t be willing to get close to each other voluntarily. According to self-disclosure theory, the superficial friendship seems to stay in this state forever. But is it really true? This thesis including 3 studies tries to exam whether the automatic process of “social sharing of emotion” (Rime, 1991) may result in a change or a breakthrough under superficial harmony friendship. In Study 1, questionnaires were completed by 383 Taiwanese college students. The results of data analysis showed that the social sharing of emotion really happened in both superficial and genuine harmony friendships in Chinese society and different type of harmony had the same sharing pattern. All kinds of emotion were shared and then affect the friendship quality after sharing. Study 2 aimed at the emotion sharing in superficial harmony that showing lower frequency in study 1 and used in-depth interview as method for qualitative study. The finding proposed that emotion sharing in superficial friendship could diminish the superficial part in relationship, brought the superficial friendship “back to the origin”. Besides, that process involved “feeling of secret sharing”. In order to further exam the findings in previous two studies, experimental method were used in study 3. The experimental stories included manipulated four emotions, such as sadness, joy, guilt, affection, and one control condition of non emotion sharing. The results indicated that friendship quality was affected by emotion sharing and the change was moderated by previous harmony type. Furthermore, in superficial friendship, the effect of negative emotion sharing on friendship quality was mediated by “feeling of secret sharing”, but positive emotion sharing was not the same. In conclusion, when encountering emotional arousal, someone may share one’s emotion with a superficial friend by accident, even one may not intend to improve the relationship during the time of sharing. That is, this sharing will let the receiver suppose that the relationship has became better, and then creates a kind of “secret- sharing feeling ” between them which make their negative relation back to the origin, and makes their friendship follow the ideal process like penetration theory suggests, and finally progresses from superficial harmony to genuine harmony.


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