  • 學位論文


The Effect of Attitude Confidence on Bias Correction Magnitude by Path Analysis

指導教授 : 簡怡雯


本研究主要有三個假設,(1)受測者對產品的態度信心能夠被自身的信心程度所操弄,(2)受測者對產品的態度信心會影響對產品態度的偏誤修正程度,(3)受測者對產品的態度信心會在自身的信心程度對產品態度的偏誤修正幅度的影響上扮演中介角色。此外,受測者意識到偏誤因子的存在並對產品判斷有高涉入時,即會反向修正產品評價。 透過使受測者回想過往高信心或低信心的事件,成功操弄受測者自身的信心程度,回想高信心過往事件的受測者,會產生較高的信心程度,其對本研究所設計的廣告中的目標產品(筆記型電腦)的評價所持有的態度信心會比較高;而回想低信心過往事件的受測者,有較低的信心程度,其對本研究中目標產品的評價所持有的態度信心會比較低。當受測者被促發文章引導,意識到偏誤因子(正向代言人)存在時,會作出正確的修正(負向修正),其修正的量稱為偏誤修正幅度;態度信心高的受測者,其偏誤修正幅度越小,態度信心低的受測者,其偏誤修正幅度越大,最後將信心程度、態度信心、偏誤修正幅度三個變數一同分析時,態度信心較信心程度更顯著影響偏誤修正幅度,影響效果存在。


The research proposes three main issues. Firstly, consumers’ attitude confidence can be manipulated by their own confidence level. Second, consumers’ attitude confidence will affect bias correction magnitude toward product attitude. Third, attitude confidence plays the role as a mediator to show the effect of confidence level on bias correction magnitude. Besides, when consumers are aware of bias factor and in the condition of high involvement on judging products, they will correct their product attitude in reverse direction. The study manipulates consumers’ confidence level successfully by asking consumers to recall the past on conditions, high confidence or low confidence memory. Consumers manipulated under higher confidence memory will get higher confidence level, and their attitude confidence on their product attitude will be higher. Reversely, consumers manipulated under lower confidence memory will get lower confidence level, and their attitude confidence on their product attitude will be lower. The results validated when consumers are aware of bias factor and they do correction. Bias correction magnitude is the amount difference between second product attitude and first product attitude. The more confident on consumers’ attitude confidence, the less bias correction magnitude are made by consumers. The less confident on consumers’ attitude confidence, the less bias correction magnitude are made by consumers. In addition, when three variables inclusive of consumers’ confidence level, attitude confidence, and bias correction magnitude are analyzed together, consumers’ confidence level will affect bias correction magnitude through attitude confidence.


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