  • 學位論文

荒地中的煉金術- 八0年代以降台灣工業設計之歷史分析

Alchemy in the Wasteland: The Historical Analysis of Taiwan Industrial Design Since 1980s

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


80年代,當台灣創造了「經濟奇蹟」之後,新一波的挑戰接踵而來:在國際壓力之下新台幣急速升值,產業相繼出走至宣稱改革開放的中國大陸。經濟自由化的浪潮衝擊下,迫使政府保護政策棄守,外國商品大舉叩關。而在中日貿易逆差持續擴大之際,台灣產品在全球市場頻遭指控仿冒。50年代即已導入的工業設計,此時成了挽救資本主義發展瓶頸的關鍵作用者。 論文第一章以80年代設計產業的興起,說明本研究的必要性;第二章則在前述基礎上,質疑主流設計史的侷限,並且重建歷史詮釋觀點及方法。 第三章至第六章為主要歷史文本:第三章以汽機車、家電等產業史沿革為線索,檢視80年代前這些產業如何醞釀研發設計。第四章進一步聚焦於家電產業,分析80年代本土家電廠商如何在經濟自由化及外資箝制下,發展設計部門;研發設計的必要,迅及80年代後期興起的資訊產業。企業設計組織,並且由內而外衍生為設計公司,以鑲嵌進台灣眾多中小企業的產業結構中,此為第五章內容。三至五章分析設計與資本的關係後,第六章轉而討論設計與國家的關係,檢視政府如何運用設計,回應90年代紛至沓來的經濟發展課題,並藉此在國際舞台上建構新的國家形象。上述內容以工業設計發展作為敘事主軸,大致按照時序撰寫,其間埋入政府政策、產業環境及廠商策略等的討論。第七章總結這些歷史經驗,歸納為具理論意涵的結論,在與主流設計史相互參照下,深化了吾人對於工業設計的認識。 在追求經濟發展的思維下,人們對於工業設計總是充滿了幻想,希望它能帶來更多商業利益。工業設計乃是基於這樣的期待,回應廠商存續、產業發展,乃至於國家認同等不同層次的課題,其目的解除資本主義的發展危機。這個能夠「無中生有」的「煉金術」,放在80年代國際政經局勢動盪,產業政策不明、廠商步調混亂的狀況下,益突顯工業設計在台灣經濟發展過程中的特性;這也正是工業設計作為資本主義安全瓣的結構性功能。


In the 1980s, after Taiwan creating the well-known ‘economic miracle’, new challenges came one after another. The currency depreciated rapidly under the international pressure, the industries leave to Mainland China that declared reform and opening-up in succession. Under the tide of economic liberalization, Taiwan government was forced to abandon protective trade, the foreign goods were imported numerously. When trade deficit between Taiwan and Japan expanded continuously, the MIT products were seized for imitation frequently on the global market. Industry design launched in the fifties became the crucial factor which resolved the bottleneck of capitalism at that moment. The necessity of this study is illustrated in Chapter one because of the rising of the design industry in the eighties. On the basis of the foregoing phenomenon, I query the discourse of predominate design history, and reconstruct the interpretable viewpoint and method in Chapter two. From Chapter three to Chapter six are the main historical text of the thesis. Chapter three examines the evolution history of transportation and domestic appliances industries to show how research and development was incubated in Taiwan industries before the 1980s. Chapter four focus on the domestic appliances industry appliances further, and analysis how Taiwan domestic appliances manufacturers established the design department in the 1980s under the circumstances of economic liberalization and the dependence in technology on foreign capitals; the importance of R&D was realized by the fast rising information technology manufactures on later stage of the eighties. Design companies derived from in-house design department embedded in the Taiwan industrial circumstance full of numerous small and medium-sized enterprises, this is what Chapter five mentions. After analyzing the relation between Industrial design and the capital from Chapter three to Chapter five, Chapter six transfers to relate ID to state, to discuss how government applied design to reflect the economic developmental subjects that emerged in the 1990s, so as to reconstruct the new national image on international arena. Above-mentioned contents regarding industry design development as the main theme, are arranged according to time sequence and inserted the discussions of government policy, industrial environment, manufacturer's strategies and etc. during that time. Chapter seven summarizes these historical experiences with theoretical conclusions. Referring to the established design history, the study will reinforce our understanding of industry design. Under the thinking of pursuing economic development, people always are full of illusion about industry design, and hope it can generate more commercial profits. Industry design on the strength of such expectation corresponds of the survival issues of manufacturers, the development of industries, and even the national identity. Its purpose is to remove the crisis of capitalism. The ‘alchemy’, which can create something out of nothing, in the turbulence of international political-economic situation, the uncertainty of national industry policies and the chaotic operation of manufacturers unfolds the characters of Taiwan industry design in the course of economic development of 1980s. Industry design is regarded as a safety valve manifest structural function whenever needed.


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