  • 學位論文


The integration of case management into employment consulting

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


『失業問題』的對策與因應方式一向是各國政府施政上的重點;過去政府為了照顧失業勞工的生活,於1999年1月1日開辦勞工保險失業給付,試圖藉由具有補充性的失業給付機制,達到就業安全的目標。但,失業保險對於結構性失業所造成的問題並非一帖萬靈丹,因此政府藉由於『經濟發展諮詢委員會』中所形成的『失業保險單獨立法』的共識,於2003年1月施行就業保險法,除提供失業期間的就業保險給付項目之外,並整合就業推介、就業諮詢與職業訓練等積極性工作,企圖使台灣的就業安全體系更趨於完整。 綜觀就業保險法的內容,其立法目標為『保障失業期間經濟安全』和『促進失業者再就業』,並規劃整合「失業給付」、「就業服務」、「職業訓練」三項措施於同一窗口進行的「三合一就業服務」。就業保險法有兩個變革,一是強調『就業諮詢』對於促進失業者再進入勞動市場的重要性;即強調以『會談』方式協助求職者瞭解本身條件與職業世界,作為個人適性發展的參考。其二,將個案管理模式運用在就業諮詢服務中;亦即針對求職弱勢者,以個案管理工作模式提供個別化深入的就業輔導,並依個案管理分類服務檢視表位求職者擬定個別性的處遇計畫,或視需要轉介接受職業訓練、就業促進研習活動,以避免落入長期失業的困境。 這兩項重要的變革延續至今已經邁入第四年,雖然個管員的角色與功能等發揮已有相當成效,但也產生『個管員的工作成果為何?如何檢視?』等責信要求;且個管員也必須在『服務品質』和『績效考核』間找到平衡及如何處理「重質」與「重量」間兩難的困境;這些窘境都超出政策制定時的想像。 因此,本論文研究目的為: 1. 檢適公立就服機構對個案管理工作模式規劃情形及運用於就業諮詢體系中,個案管理員的角色及執行困難。 2. 檢視個管員的諮詢服務區與綜合服務區的簡易諮詢功能差異。 3. 探討諮詢服務區與綜合服務區對後送個案處遇意見不同的處理機制。 4. 探討公立就服機構運用人力派遣的因應策略。 5. 探討三合一就業服務中,區塊運用內部資源連結提供就業服務之成效。 本論文採質性研究中的焦點團體及深度訪談方法;乃是探討在公立就服機構中個管員運用個案管理工作模式提供服務的成效,及在現行績效導向的服務案量壓力下,個管員的服務模式是否較能符合現行三合一就業服務流程的績效要求,且所提供的就業服務是否確能符合個案需求。而研究對象的選取為6位個管員參與焦點團體及6位就服同仁含1位個管督導員及1位曾為綜合區就服員參與深度訪談。經過研究分析後提出建議如下: 壹、 對政策面的建議 一、落實公立就服機構運用個案管理工作模式的精神 二、加強派遣單位的角色與責任 三、政策規劃應符合實務需求 貳、 對實務面的建議 一、研議合理的開案量及服務數,提供妥適的就業服務 二、加強內部區塊合作的機制及提升個管員資源連結功能 三、加強運用充權或增權empowerment個案能力的技術 四、建置合理個管員進用資格條件及職涯發展規劃 五、加強個管員的專業職能 關鍵詞:三合一就業服務、就業諮詢服務、勞務外包(勞動派遣)


Aiding for the unemployed has universally been the major government policy. To made relief of the unemployed, the implementation of Workers' Unemployment Insurance Benefit on January 1, 1999 was to achieve employment security with complementary unemployment benefit system. However, unemployment insurance was not the panacea for structural unemployment problems. Therefore, unemployment insurance was separated from the Labour Insurance System, and was combined with the referral of employment and vocational training and consulting, and laws are particularly enacted to handle unemployment insurance affairs. The Employment Insurance Law was enforced on January 1, 2003 to build a complete employment security system in Taiwan. The purpose of implementing Employment Insurance Law is to secure basic living requirements for a certain period of unemployment and promote the unemployed to be employed, and to integrate unemployment benefit, employment services, and vocational training into Three-in-one Employment Services. There are two reforms in this law: (1) the importance of consulting for the unemployed to re-enter the labour market: counselling with job-seekers to help them understand themselves and labour market, which serves as the references for their appropriate development. (2)The integration of case management into employment consulting: to avoid long-term unemployment, particularly for the disadvantaged job-seekers, individual and in-depth employment assisting is provided with case management, and plans are tailored for them based on the evaluation of case managing categorised services, or referral to vocational training according to their needs. Both major reforms have been implemented for four years, although case managers play vital roles in the achievement, the problems of accountability surfaced, such as “How was the achievement they made? How to evaluate? ”; meanwhile, case managers also faced the dilemma that how to cope with the problems of quality and quantity and get the balance between “quality service” and “performance evaluation.” These adversities were not anticipated as this policy was established. Therefore, the object of this study is to: (1) Investigate the planning of case managements and how they implemented in the counselling system, and case managers’ role and difficulties. (2) Compare the differences of counselling services between Counselling services area and General services area (3) Inspect the different treatments towards clients as different opinions occur. (4) Scrutinise the strategy of used in human resources outsourcing. (5) Evaluate the effects of division and cooperation of employment services. This is a qualitative research which was conducted with focus-group and in-depth interviewing. The aim of this study is to know the effect of service provided by case managers. Under the pressure of performance-oriented service, could case managers meet the requirement of three-in-one employment services workflow? And could their employment services meet the clients’ needs? Six case managers were selected to be the focus group, and among these six interviewees, one supervisor and one who was employment serviceman were in-depth interviewed. The suggestions drawn after research analysis are as following: 1. In principle (1) Realising the spirit of implementing case management in public employment services centres. (2) Enhancing the role and responsibility of human resources outsourcing. (3) Policy making should meet practicality. 2. In practicality (1) Securing appropriate employment services, reasonable numbers of case and service should be considered. (2) Enhancing the cooperation of interior area (3) Enhancing the ability of empowerment case management. (4) Establishing appropriate case managers’ qualification requirement and career development. (5) Improving case managers’ vocational knowledge. Key Words: Three-in-one employment services, Counselling services, Labour outsourcing


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