  • 學位論文

台北市消費者自備購物袋行為之研究 - 計劃行為理論之應用

A Study on Consumers with Self-Prepared Shopping Bags in Taipei – an Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


本研究的目的是驗證計劃行為理論應用在台北市消費者自備購物袋行為,並找出影響行為的關鍵因素。本研究首先透過文獻回顧與計劃行為理論來建立行為模型並設計問卷,然後在台北市的便利商店、量販店及超級市場等地方隨機進行抽樣調查。為使行為模型與觀察資料契合,本研究採用結構方程模式的線性結構關係來驗證台北市消費者自備購物袋行為的適配度,也探討模型中的行為態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制因素對行為的影響。 根據319份有效問卷的統計分析顯示,計劃行為理論應用在台北市消費者自備購物袋行為的整體適配度良好,表示此理論對此行為的影響模式有足夠的解釋能力。其中,以知覺行為控制因素對行為影響較大,諸如有回收資源的習慣、有環保政策的宣傳、節省支出與重覆利用袋子等變項具有顯著影響;其次是行為態度因素的顯著影響,如自己帶方便、有助生活教育、不想增加垃圾量、減少環境污染與不想浪費袋子;而同時由分析結果得知,主觀規範對此行為沒有顯著影響。


The purposes of this study were to test the applicability of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to the behavior of consumers’ bringing their own shopping bags in Taipei, and to find out the key influencing factors of the behavior. This research first established a behavioral model and designed a questionnaire through reviewing literature and TPB; then conducted random surveys at various locations including convenient stores, warehouses and supermarkets in Taipei. To fit the behavioral model with the observed data, this study employed the linear structural relation of structural equation modeling to examine the goodness-of-fit of the behavior of consumers’ bringing their own shopping bags in Taipei. The influencing factors such as the attitude towards the behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control indicated by TPB model on this behavior were also explored. The statistical analysis of the 319 valid questionnaire data revealed that the application of TPB has an overall good fit. It suggested that this theory has sufficient explanatory power regarding the influence model of this behavior. Among various factors, the perceived behavioral control, such as: consumers’ habit of recycling, promotion of environmental policy, cost reduction and repeat utilization of bags, had most significant influence. The influence of attitude towards the behavior, such as: considering bring their own bag as more convenient, good for the life education, not wanting to increase the amount of trash, wanting to reduce environmental pollution, and not wanting to waste bags, also had significant influence. The statistical analysis also showed that subjective norm was not a significant influencing factor.


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