  • 學位論文


Effects of Habitat Management on Birds in Guandu Nature Park, Taipei,Taiwan

指導教授 : 李培芬


淡水河流域的溼地長期以來都是重要的水鳥觀察地點,因此分別於關渡與華江地區設立了關渡自然保留區以及野雁保護區。但陸域化的問題往往會對這些溼地造成舉足輕重的影響,使原本適合於水鳥生存的環境越來越不利,也使得這些保護區備受威脅,在經過長時間自然的演替後,可能會失去了原本劃設保護區的意義,因此就需要經由適當的棲地經營管理的手段來避免或減緩此陸域化的過程。 台北市野鳥學會於1998年即開始於關渡地區進行鳥類相的監測, 2001年12月接受台北市政府委託代管關渡自然公園後即進行棲地管理,逐年的挖出水池以減少陸域化的威脅並提供渡冬鳥類棲息,至2007年已擁有約14公頃的水池面積。本研究分析自1998年起鳥類組成的逐年變遷,並配合航空照片,以棲地變化之觀點探討造成鳥類組成時空變異的因素。 研究期間共記錄到203種鳥類,依棲地利用同功群區分,以草原性陸禽最多,有47種,其次為水域泥岸游涉禽的38種。在鳥類資源的逐年變化方面,2000年以前呈現下滑的情形,自2002年後才開始回升,但除夏季外,自2006年11月後似乎有減少的趨勢,此部分主要來自於水岸高草游涉禽、樹林性陸禽,水岸泥岸游涉禽也呈現緩慢下降的趨勢,雖然水域面積不斷的增加,並發現草澤地景對鳥類相的組成亦扮演了重要的角色。 本研究顯示人為棲地管理對鳥類相的變化影響頗大,因此在進行棲地管理時需有一份妥善的計畫與目標,在實行的過程中更需進行持續的監測,以評估棲地管理、環境政策等經營層面的實際執行成效,並依據評估結果決定往後的經營管理決策方向。


陸域化 棲地管理 同功群


There are many major wetlands for looking waterfowl along Danshuei River, so Guandu Nature Reserve and Taipei City Waterbird Refuge were set. But the influence of terrestrialisation on that wetland is serious, so it is necessary to do a habitat management to slow down the treat of terrestrialisation. Wild Bird Society of Taipei has started the monitor of bird community in Guandu Nature Park from 1998 and done the habitat management form 2002. They established artifical pools in every year to slow down the treat of terrestrialisation. The research analyzes the bird community variation from 1998 and looking for the relation about the habitat variation from Aerial photograph. There are 203 species were recorded. The abundance decreased before 2000 and recovered from 2002. But it had the reduced tendency after 2006 November. This part mainly came from SMTG, T and TG guild. But the area of water increased every year. It also shows that grassy marsh play an important role. The research shows that habitat management has a strong influence on bird community. So it is necessary to plan and to do a good habitat management. It is also necessary to monitor the effect and change the method momentarily.


terrestrialisation habitat management guild


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曾威捷(2015)。以小水鴨(Anas crecca)分布探討華江濕地棲地改善工程的影響〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.01666
