  • 學位論文


A Design Ladder to The Future - A Paradigm Shift from Products to People, to Planet

指導教授 : 吳政鴻


未來是人類最大的設計專案。 迄今人類的活動皆不外乎在創造更好的生存環境。以往的設計前提是去改變我們周遭的環境,來迎合人類無止境的需求,但是長期來看,這樣的思維卻會危及地球上所有的生物。本論文以丹麥國家設計中心2003年出版的”丹麥設計階梯”(D-DL)為基礎,並延伸發展出新的設計階梯(N-DL),創造超越以人為本的設計價值,涵蓋以”推動社會美好的設計”之服務設計新趨勢,以及”從星球思角之循環設計”的永續性設計。本研究也提出將設計階梯從現今短視近利、以獲利導向的產品設計思維,透過同理心以人為本的服務設計,昇華到以長期全體繁榮願景導向的後設認知設計哲理。新的設計階梯(N-DL)印證了階梯是達成目標的良好策略工具,階梯步驟向上創造使用者價值,向下發展商業價值,也代表著價值鏈。 本論文提出了2組各有向上及向下的新設計階梯,結合可整合成1座階段式金字塔。第一組是設計策略金字塔,結合了向上的系統設計階梯(S-DL)與向下的體驗設計階梯(E-DL),第二組是設計創新金字塔,結合了向上的轉變設計階梯(T-DL)與向下的流程設計階梯(P-DL)。這兩組設計階梯字母縮寫整合為STEP,則成為STEP階段式設計領導力與管理金字塔模型,在以工業與服務經濟社會4.0中,它提供了創造價值的各階段性步驟與指標引導,是很好的設計創新策略管理工具。 若再往上到更高的目的來看,它也同時鼓勵了以星球為先的設計信念,往下至商業的務實目的來看,它也讓成就了永續性商業設計。在聯合國規劃2030年之”轉變我們的世界”永續發展計畫中也闡述了,透過階段性設計精神信條,未來世界是可以被設計的,唯有改變人們現今的生活方式來順應自然,並與星球萬物和諧共生與共好,才是真正的未來永續之道!


The future is humanity’s greatest design project. Up to now, the goal of all human activity has been to create better conditions for our own survival. The premise of design is to change our environment to fit better to ourselves. This kind of design however, is jeopardizing the conditions for all life on Earth. Based on the foundation provided by Danish Design Ladder (D-DL) from 2003, this paper draws up an expanded frame of reference for design beyond the human-centered. Integrating emerging domains the study proposes upgrading the D-DL from the present pragmatic Industrial Design for short-term profit, through empathetic Service Design for people, to the level of altruistic Future Design for long-term prosperity. The resulting ‘New Design Ladder’ (N-DL) recognizes that a) a ladder is a strategic tool for reaching goals; b) that a ladder has the direction, up and down; and c) the steps of the ladder are a value chain. Ascending the steps generate User-Value and descending they develop Business Value. The study proposes two new sets of step ladders: a new design strategy ladder connecting an ‘up’ Systems and a ‘down’ Experience Design Ladder, and a design innovation ladder connecting an ‘up’ Transformation and a ‘down’ Process Design Ladder. The first letters of these four connected ladders spells ‘STEP’. These two new STEP Ladders are integrated in a STEP Pyramid Design Leadership and Management model that provides a step-by-step guide to value creation in the Industrial and Service Economies of Society 4.0. Stepping upwards toward a higher purpose, it encourages sustainable Planet-first-Design. Stepping downwards towards a practical purpose, it enables sustainable Business-first-Design. Proposing that we should change ourselves to better fit to Nature and live in harmony with all of life on this Planet, the study outlines a life-centered STEP Design Ethos to help designers to achieve the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by ‘Transforming our World’.


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