  • 學位論文


Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode Polarization Induced by Cosmic Strings

指導教授 : 吳俊輝


我們使⽤⾼解析度的宇宙弦模擬,計算宇宙微波背景輻射的圖在宇 宙弦的重⼒透鏡效應之下,所產⽣的影響。 我們藉由⽩化宇宙弦重⼒透鏡效應後的圖, 可以直接從⾁眼辨認 出宇宙弦所產⽣的⾮⾼斯訊號。搭配閔可夫斯基泛函 (Minkowski functionals) 去估計宇宙弦的線密度,我們利⽤頻域法 (frequentist approach) 提供實驗理想狀況下要觀測宇宙弦所需要達到的解析度。 在宇宙弦的模擬中,根基於 Smith-Vilenkin 演算法,我們提出了新 的實做⽅法,增進原本由吳俊輝教授寫的平空間宇宙弦模擬的資料結 構以及記憶體管理,減少了所需要使⽤的記憶體,達到了⽬前已知全 世界最⼤的平空間宇宙弦模擬。 並且我們進⼀步從宇宙弦會隨宇宙膨脹縮放 (scaling) 的性質,提供 了⼀個從平空間到膨脹空間的外插⽅法,讓我們可以藉由平空間的模 擬,外插到膨脹空間的模擬。藉由這個外插法,我們⾄少可以⽐⼀般 膨脹空間宇宙弦的模擬節省⼗倍以上的時間。


We use high-resolution simulations to simulate the cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps and their power spectra induced by the gravitational lensing from cosmic strings. We use the signal-whitening method to identify the non-Gaussian features and estimate the string linear density with Minkowski functionals. We further employ frequentist approach to analyze the ideal detectability including instrumental effect. We also provide a new formalism based on the Smith-Vilenkin algorithm in flat spacetime and optimize the simulation code first written by Prof. Jiun-Huei Proty Wu. Based on a new method for saving the computation memory, we successfully deliver the largest simulation of cosmic-string evolution to date. By considering the scaling properties of the string networks, we present a feasible way to extrapolate the evolutionary history of cosmic-string networks in a flat spacetime to that in an expanding spacetime, which is known to be at least ten times more time-consuming.


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Yeh, J. L. J. (2017). 宇宙弦產⽣的宇宙微波背景B模偏振 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201702172
