  • 學位論文


The Impact of Information Density on Consecutive Interpreting Note-Taking

指導教授 : 吳茵茵


本研究旨在探究演講訊息密度如何影響逐步口譯筆記之產出,並比較中進英與英進中之雙向差異,與譯者受不同專業訓練程度之交錯影響。研究設計採實驗方法,實驗素材為兩篇中文致詞與兩篇英文致詞,每篇致詞皆分為兩大段,訊息密度調整為一段較高,另一段較低。實驗方法以錄音檔的形式播放給參與者,進行中進英與英進中長逐步口譯,並於口譯後進行一對一訪談。本實驗共有11位台灣北部大學口譯組碩士班學生參與,分別為研究所一年級四位、二年級四位與三年級三位,均為中文A母語者,英文為B語言。實驗共收集44份口譯筆記,再從口譯筆記與訪談內容進一步分析研究。 研究發現訊息密度高低會影響筆記的三個方面,分別是筆記的語言、筆記的形式與筆記的數量。在筆記的語言方面:源語為A語言時,筆記的B語言較少,尤其訊息密度較高時,筆記中B語言為最少;然而,無論源語為何,筆記中B語言的數量均超過一半。在筆記的形式方面:訊息密度較高時,筆記中的符號較多,文字較少,但中文字呈現簡體、繁體、注音或拼音等形式,不會受到訊息密度或方向的影響;此外,比起其他兩個年級,一年級學生口譯員筆記中的文字特別多,橫向分隔線特別少。在筆記的數量方面:訊息密度較低時,每單位命題(proposition)所對應的筆記數量較高;筆記數量也與學生口譯員的訓練程度呈現正相關。研究亦發現面對高訊息密度時,學生口譯員會採取三個策略:一是提升書寫效率或採直接聯想;二是調整認知資源(cognitive resources);三是筆記使用更多源語。基於以上發現,可知訊息密度對筆記有所影響,並隨著口譯方向與口譯員訓練背景而產生差異。


This research investigated the impact of information density on consecutive interpreting (CI) note-taking output for both interpreting directions across three levels of training. To this end, eleven participants, all of whom were enrolled in translation and interpretation graduate programs in northern Taiwan at the time, were recruited to take part in a CI experiment and retrospective interview. Of the participants, four were in year one of their studies (Y1), four were in year two (Y2), and three were in year three (Y3); all had a language combination of Chinese A, English B. The CI experiment required participants to interpret four speeches in total, two from Chinese into English and two from English into Chinese. Each speech was divided into two segments and manipulated so that the information density of one segment was relatively higher to the other segment and audio recorded by native speakers. After each participant completed all four interpreting tasks, they participated in a retrospective interview. In total 44 sets of notes were collected for analysis alongside data from the retrospective interviews. The collected CI notes from each interpreter were compared across information densities, interpreting direction, and levels of training for language, form, and quantity. Analysis revealed that directionality and information density had an impact on note-taking language. Regardless of level information density setting, direction of interpretation, or training level, participants consistently produced more B language notes than A language notes; furthermore, the generally preferred B language was employed less when listening to A input, and participants produced the least B language when listening to high density A language. In terms of form, participants produced relatively fewer language notes and more symbol notes when noting high density input. Chinese-specific forms (simplified, traditional, zhuyin, pinyin), however, were not noticeably affected by density or directionality. Furthermore, year one (Y1) interpreters produced more language-based notes and far fewer horizontal lines than the other two cohorts. Note quantity increased per proposition when noting low density input and was seen to steadily increase with each year of training. Finally, student interpreters identified three strategies they used to cope with high density input: prioritizing writing/retrieval speed, shifting cognitive resources, and using more source language. Based on these findings, this study concludes information density does have an impact on some aspects of CI note-taking and that these impacts can vary depending on interpreting direction and training of the interpreter.


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