  • 學位論文


A Comparison between a Non-professional and a Professional Interpreter and the Public Perception of Their Performances at Tsai Ing-Wen’s 2016 and 2020 International Press Conferences

指導教授 : 張嘉倩


蔡英文2016與2020大選後,皆舉行勝選記者會,兩場記者會都有口譯員。2016年的口譯員並未接受過正式口譯訓練,另一位則出身於專業口譯機構,並在口譯市場上擁有16年的專業經驗。兩位口譯員皆表現優異,也都令台灣民眾印象深刻。 本研究旨在透過真實素材,探討非專業與專業口譯員在媒體轉播、高壓的政治型記者會下,中進英逐步口譯譯文準確性與流暢度的差別,並比較社會大眾對兩者口譯表現的關注面向。準確度由研究者與另一位具口譯背景的評分者評分,流暢度則分析兩者譯文中不流暢產出(disfluency)之數量;大眾評價以相關媒體報導和網路評論為文本做分析。 研究結果顯示,非專業譯者在高壓下,譯文出現較多的省略與不流暢產出,而專業譯者,藉由口譯機構訓練習得的口譯技巧,加上長年的經驗累積,仍舊達到高水準的準確度與流暢度。針對兩者口譯表現,社會大眾皆給予正面評價,唯專業譯者在口譯技巧上獲得較多關注,而非專業譯者在知識與語言技巧上獲得較多關注。


Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen held two international press conferences, one in 2016 and the other in 2020, to declare her triumph in Taiwan’s general elections. Both press conferences had interpreters. The interpreter of the 2016 event had received no formal training in interpreting, while the interpreter of the 2020 event was an institutionally-trained interpreter with 16 years of professional experience. Both interpreters impressed the Taiwanese audience with outstanding performances. This study seized the opportunity of using the two real-life events to explore the differences between a non-professional and a professional interpreter when they performed Chinese-English consecutive interpreting at the two high-profile, political press conferences, which were broadcast live on television and multiple media channels on the internet. This study analyzed their respective interpreting performances in terms of accuracy and delivery, and compared the different aspects of interpreting that the public paid attention to when evaluating their performances. For accuracy analysis, the interpreting output was graded by two raters with interpreting backgrounds, while delivery analysis was based on the speech rate and the number of disfluencies made by the two interpreters. The public perception of their performances was explored by examining relevant media reports and online comments about their performances. The results showed that while the non-professional interpreter tended to produce more omissions and utterance disfluencies under pressure, the professional interpreter achieved a high level of accuracy and a smooth delivery, as a result of both the interpreting skills developed from institutional training and the savoir-faire during the course of his interpreting career. As to public perception, both interpreters received positive feedback. However, the professional interpreter received more public attention on interpreting skills, while the non-professional interpreter was given more public attention on knowledge and linguistic skills.


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