  • 學位論文


A Research of Mainland China’s Unemployment Insurance System(1986-2004)

指導教授 : 周繼祥
共同指導教授 : 李碧涵(Bih-Hearn Lee)


本文採用歷史結構論,從國家制度與社經結構的角度出發,探討中國大陸失業保險制度的發展過程,藉由考察轉軌前後特殊的歷史軌跡,來呈現失業保險的發展脈絡、政策內涵與運作情形,並且對該制度進行初步評估。 本文依序考察了中共建政以來六次的失業高峰及其因應對策,並指出中央計畫經濟下的統包統配勞動就業制度,不只無法抑制改革開放前的失業問題,更難以應付經濟轉軌後所產生的失業潮、下崗職工及農民工等問題。這也迫使中共放棄意識型態包袱,不再以待業來掩飾失業問題,並逐步建構適合其國情的失業保險制度。在改革開放初期,待業保險的作用僅限於保障國營企業職工待業期間的基本生活。1990年代初期,雖然放寬了參保人的資格限制、調整了保險待遇、增加救濟內容,但直到上個世紀末,才真正建立起涵蓋了城鎮各類企業事業單位的失業保險制度,並設立國務院直屬的「社會保障基金理事會」,統籌失業保險基金之運用。 整體而言,目前中共的失業保險制度存在著許多難題。就制度覆蓋面而言,仍僅限於城鎮職工,並未包含農村剩餘勞動力,在執行上也以國有企業職工為主。就立法與管理面而言,面臨著相關法律位階過低與配套不足的難題,加以管理體系複雜不統一,造成執行上的諸多障礙。在失業保險基金方面,企業拖欠、拒繳保費屢屢發生,基金遭挪用、擠佔的情形嚴重,而且由於統籌規模過低,將難以承受持續升高的失業率。就功能面而言,目前主要集中於保障失業勞工之基本生活,然成效不彰,且在促進勞工再就業方面明顯不足,未能發揮失業保險基金的積極功能。


This research focuses on the policy process, of the Mainland China’s unemployment insurance system, through historical structuralism approach, mainly discusses the course of development and operation of the policies. The context contains the survey of six unemployment peaks of the PRC, the policy output of PRC authority, the operation of unemployment fund and the initiative summing-up of the Mainland China’s unemployment insurance system. The PRC used “awaiting employment” concept instead of “unemployment” until 1999, the State Council decreed “Regulations for Unemployment Insurance”. During the transformation from “Planned Economy System” to “Socialist Market Economic”, lots of workers were laid-off, which strongly affected the stabilization of the Mainland China. Therefore, the authority was forced to build unemployment system since 1986. It was for laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises in the beginning and gradually covered all the unemployment labor in city. However, the system is still facing challenges in several aspects. It contains only the labor in city, but not the labor from country. The management of unemployment insurance fund is not transparent, in other words, the fund is seriously converted by administrators. The two main functions, securing the basic living of unemployment labor and promoting re-employment, are not well executed.


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