  • 學位論文


Becoming self-conscious lesbian activists:A study of the transformative trajectory of identity through participation of lesbian club, NTU LAMBDA

指導教授 : 范雲


台灣的同志運動從九零年代開始,至今已經超過十年,也累積了很多研究成果。站在這些研究的基礎上,本文想回答一個原始的問題:為什麼要參與同志運動?換句話說,同志認同與政治動員之間的關係到底是什麼? 觀察台灣同志參與現象,大學青年的參與比例相當高,因此本文將焦點放在大專青年的參與上,將以台大浪達社為例,探討校園同志社團做為一個中介性的機制,參與社團的經驗使參與者的同志認同產生不同層次的變化。社團提供色認同的典範,形塑女同志社群的集體想像,並透過與社運組織的結盟經驗將同運帶入社團,使參與者得以從中建立對於女同志的身分認同、社群認同、以及同運認同。社團組織這個中觀(meso)層次的機制,串起了微觀層次的身分認同與巨觀層次的政治動員,解釋了認同和以被動員進入社會運動,也回應了認同政治對於認同與政治性之間的關聯性的關注。


Since the 90s’, the development of gay and lesbian movement in Taiwan has run through more than a decade, and there are also a accumulation of researches about it. Based on all those researches, this paper is going to answer an original question: Why participating gay and lesbian movement? In other words, what is the relationship between homosexual identity and political mobilization? Take a look on the participation of gay and lesbian movement in Taiwan, we’ll find out that there is high proportion of college youth participants. As a result, this paper will focus on the participation of college youth, and use NTU LAMBDA as an example to find out that, how campus club as a mediating institution, make different levels of changes on participants’ homosexual identity possible. The club provides role moles of identity, shapes collective image of lesbian, and bring in gay and lesbian movement through alliance with social movement organizations. It is through these experiences that participants construct their lesbian identity, collective identity, and movement identity. Club as a meso-level institution, it links the gap between micro-level identity and macro-level political mobilization. Also, it explains why identity can be recruited in social movement, and respond to the core concern of identity politics, that is, the relationship between identity and politic.


------(1998)九0年代臺灣女同志的認同建構與運動集結:台灣社會研究季刊, v. 30,:p. 63-115。
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