  • 學位論文


Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Bridges with Sliding Rubber Bearings and Restrainers or Fluid Viscous Dampers

指導教授 : 蔡益超


本文主要在探討配置可滑移橡膠支承墊的橋梁搭配防震拉桿或液態黏性阻尼器後,在地震作用下的耐震性能表現。利用三組與規範反應譜相符地震歷時進行非線性動力歷時分析。分析的重點在大梁對於柱頂的相對位移及傳遞至下部結構的剪力。所使用的變數包括週期的差異、支承墊的摩擦係數、防震拉桿的強度折減因子及間距、拉桿間距、液態黏性阻尼器的阻尼係數及指數。支承墊、防震拉桿及液態黏性阻尼器的模擬使用SAP2000中不同的非線性元素。 在實例分析中,首先釐清橋梁配置可滑移橡膠支承墊的行為,再對於防震拉桿提出一套簡易的設計流程,並且在加上防震拉桿的橋梁,以防震拉桿強度折減因子及拉桿間距為變數進行分析,討論兩種不同的防震拉桿配置型式(上部結構對拉及拉帽梁)對於位移控制的影響。 接著再使用液態黏性阻尼器,以阻尼係數及指數為變數,分析在不同沖刷深度下對於位移控制的影響。亦以不超過下部結構降伏力為原則其提出一套簡易的迭代設計流程,以供工程師使用。 最後探討當橋梁配置滑動支承後,碰撞效應對於降低位移的效果。結果發現對於配置滑動支承的橋梁而言,碰撞效應並不一定可以增加位移控制效果。


The purpose of this thesis was to study responses of bridges with sliding rubber bearings and restrainers or fluid viscous dampers under earthquakes. In this study, three earthquake time histories corresponding to the design spectrum were applied to nonlinear dynamic analysis of the structure. Subjects were the beam’s displacement (relative to the top of the column) and the force taken by the substructure. Variables used included period of structures, safety factors and gap of restrainers, damping exponent and coefficient of fluid viscous dampers. Four models were tested to study the effect of different variables on the behavior of a bridge with sliding rubber bearings and unseating prevention devices. Besides, the study also proposed simple design procedures for restrainers and fluid viscous dampers. Finally, collision between two superstructures was simulated in order to investigate if collision can effectively control the beam’s displacement (relative to the top of the column).


unseating bridge restrainers viscous dampers collision rubber bearing


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