  • 學位論文


Business Development Strategy of Printing Industry at EPSON

指導教授 : 陳俊忠 黃崇興


科技是不斷轉變的,曾經新的科技會成為傳統產業﹔當企業成長面臨停滯、產業環境發生變化,企業該如何判斷自身所處的產業生命週期?進入產業生命週期的成熟期或衰退期時,企業的競爭策略又該是如何?企業應當如何在適當時機做關鍵決策,修正競爭策略?如何讓傳統科技轉型,再發揮其價值。 印表機的發展伴隨著電腦的普及已經超過一甲子,應用範圍從個人、家庭、企業,深入到各個產業,已是大家都熟悉的生活設備之一﹔近二十年,網際網路、智慧型手機改變了人們許多使用習慣,訊息的傳遞增快,人們對知的需求愈來愈高,衝擊著以紙張傳遞訊息的印表機產業。廠商面對產業環境的變遷,嚴峻的市場挑戰,該以何種競爭策略因應?企業需要去思考如何創造新的營運模式、獲利模式、新的組織架構、新的利基市場或是開發新的技術,來提升企業組織的績效與競爭優勢,以確保其永續發展。因此,企業轉型一直是企業發展策略的一個重要課題。 面對全球印表機產業環境變革,本研究以EPSON為例進行個案分析,回顧其在印表機產業的經營歷程、市場定位以及其競爭策略﹔並加以分析討論EPSON面對此產業生命週期時,在不同階段的關鍵決策以及其競爭策略。研究分析結論顯示消費型印表機的成長趨緩甚至停滯,辦公室用彩色印表機持續成長,各領域產業專用印表機需求熱絡﹔EPSON處在產業生命週期的成熟期大致確定,其企業轉型策略已經開始執行,採用聚焦化競爭策略作為未來的經營發展策略。本研究同時針對個案公司未來競爭策略提出建議。


When a company is facing stagnation and industrial environment change. How to determine the industry life cycle? What is the key factor to make key decission at the right time to revise business strategy? How to develop business strategy when the the industry going to maturity or recession? It’s more than 60 years the development of the printing industry. The scope of printing application covers the personal use, home use, business use, deeply into the various industries. Now,Internet, Smart phones have changed people’s habits. People desire more and rapid information which impact the the printing industry. What kind of competitive strategy to face the industrial environment changes?Companies need to think about how to create new business models, profit models, new organizational structures, develop new niche markets or new technologies to enhance the performance and ensure enterprise sustainable. Therefore, the transition strategy has always been an important issue for companies. A case study of EPSON, to review its business operation, market position and competitive strategy at past particular industry life cycle in oder to analyze its business development strategy. The results of case study show that the growth of consumer printers slow down or even stagnant; office color printers continue to grow; and all kinds of industry printer demand for hot. EPSON is in mature stage of printing industrial life cycle; to execute business transition strategy has begun to implement; using focus strategy. This case study also addresses the suggestions of future business strategy for EPSON.


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