  • 學位論文

醫學中心護理人員之勞動條件對其 工作壓力、工作負荷及疲勞影響之研究

Working Conditions, Job Stress, Workloads and Burnout of Nurses in Medical Centers

指導教授 : 鄭雅文


護理人員是醫院的重要人力,想要有良好的醫療品質,護理人員不可或缺。勞動條件不佳可能造成護理人員之身心壓力,進而影響其工作品質及健康狀況。本研究目的有二點:(一)了解醫學中心護理人員的勞動條件、工作壓力及工作負荷情形。(二)探討勞動條件與工作者疲勞之相關情形。 研究設計乃是利用滾雪球的方式邀請護理人員接受訪談,研究結果分析共包含15位護理人員。研究發現,多數護理人員認為工作過量、自主權低落,超過半數的護理人員經常出現體力透支及精疲力竭的感受,顯示護理人員可能是疲勞的高危險族群。 醫院人事管理制度對工作安排有很大的影響,彈性運用人力造成護理工作控制感低、缺乏自主權,而護理人員也普遍認為工作負荷量過大,照顧病人數太多,太多額外的行政事務,加上來自各界不同的要求,使得工作者更加容易產生壓力及疲勞感。本研究建議政府部門應儘早規範合理護病比,提高護理人員之工作保障,並加強院內安全措施,以保障護理人員的人身安全。工作的設計應符合工作者之需求,並提升護理工作之自主權,以減輕工作者的壓力及疲勞感受。


The nursing staff is the important manpower in health care organizations. The nursing staff is indispensable for quality of health care. Adverse working conditions may cause nurses' physical and psychological stress, and influence their work quality and health status. There are two objectives in this study. First, we investigated the working conditions, job stress and workloads of the nurses in medical centers. Second, we explored the association between working conditions and burnout status. This study is qualitative and information were obtained by in-depth interview. Potential interviewees were reached by snowballing method. A total of 15 nurses working in medical centers were interviewed. The results of this study showed that, most nurses considered they were work overloaded and reported low autonomy at work. More than half of these nurses usually felt physically exhausted and worn out. Our findings indicated that the nursing staff were at high risk for work-related burnout. Personnel management systems of hospitals influence greatly on nurses’ working arrangements. Employment flexibility leads to reduced job control. Heavy workloads and extra administrative work were frequently mentioned as job stressors. In additions, demands and requests from patients and coworkers often make nurses felt stressed and burn out. We recommend that the government should set a appropriate criteria for patient-to-nurse ratio, and should make efforts to improve working environments for nurses. To reduce burnout problems in the nursing staff, it is crucial to redesign jobs to better suit workers’ demands.


nursing staff working conditions job stress burnout


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