  • 學位論文


Study on InAsPSb/InAsSb multiple quantum well light emitting diode

指導教授 : 林浩雄




In this study, InAsPSb/InAsSb multiple quantum well light emitting diodes grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy were fabricated and their EL properties were investigated. Before processing device sample, InAsPSb etching solution and etching rate were tested. We found that the etching rate was different on n-type and p-type InAsPSb. Using HCl:H2O2(30%):H2O(1:1:8) as etching solution, the rate on n-type InAsPSb is 11 times faster than the rate on p-type InAsPSb while only 2 times difference using H3PO4:H2O2(30%):H2O(1:1:8) on n-type and p-type InAsPSb. The annealing temperature should be below 400oC or diode would be broken. From temperature dependent EL measurement we found the intensity of LEDs drastically decayed above 50K, and 500 times weaker at 300K. The LI analysis shows that spontaneous emission dominates at low temperature while at high temperature Auger recombination dominates and represents the high temperature sensitivity of emission intensity. We have successfully fabricated LEDs whose emitting power is 10μW in pulse mode with 20% duty cycle at room temperature when injection current density is 10A/cm2.


MIR InAsPSb MQW LED light emitting diode mid-infrared


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