  • 學位論文


Assessment and Proposed Regulation of Heavy Metal Contents of Commercial Beverages in Taiwan

指導教授 : 游若篍


台灣飲料類衛生標準自民國 81 年實施至今,對於重金屬管制標準皆為砷0.2 ppm、鉛0.3 ppm、鋅5.0 ppm、銅5.0 ppm、錫250 ppm、銻0.15 ppm,並未做過修改,且飲料類衛生標準也未有明確之飲料定義。然而市面上飲料產品種類繁多,此標準是否適用於如此多元化的飲料產品實有重新評估之必要。本研究蒐集整理國際間飲料相關規範與我國進行比較,並抽樣市售共83件飲料產品,分析其重金屬砷、鉛、鋅、銅、錫、銻之含量進行風險評估。並綜合以上結果,與國內之專家學者及飲料業者進行座談會議,針對台灣飲料類衛生標準提出建議。 檢測結果中,各類飲料之砷及鉛的檢出率皆相當低,飲料中六種重金屬含量範圍分別為砷:N.D.~ 0.13 ppm、鉛:N.D.~ 0.08 ppm、鋅:N.D.~ 14.17 ppm、銅:N.D.~ 0.99 ppm、錫:N.D.~ 4.111 ppm、銻:N.D.~ 0.096 ppm。其中一件額外添加鋅之功能性飲品中,鋅含量為14.17 ppm,是本次檢驗唯一超過重金屬限量標準之產品。而風險評估結果顯示,台灣男性由飲料中攝取之砷、鉛、鋅、銅、錫、銻含量分別為WHO建議容許攝取量之10.7%、8.6%、1.1%、0.8%、0.8%、6.1%;女性則為8.3%、6.6%、0.9%、0.6% 、0.6%、4.7%,在各年齡層中又以6~12歲的孩童之攝取百分比較高,約平均值的兩倍。整體而言,台灣市售飲料並無重金屬汙染之問題,且國人由飲料中食入之重金屬含量也低於WHO之建議容許量。 參考國際間各國之衛生標準後,建議將我國飲料定義為「不含酒精或含酒精成分 0.5%以下的飲品,包含果醋等非以酒精為目標產物之發酵飲料。」而各國飲料重金屬標準中,以砷、鉛、錫的規範內容較為完整。由於兒童攝取之重金屬百分比較高,建議參考各國之標準,將砷、鉛含量以更加嚴格之標準進行管理。而市售罐裝飲料多採用鋁罐包裝,不易發生錫過量問題,建議將錫限量參考Codex之規範,從250 ppm修改至150 ppm。此外,鋅由於是必需元素,且市面上補充鋅之產品添加的鋅含量大多高於5 ppm,因此建議將必需元素鋅從重金屬規範項目中移除。


The beverages sanitation standard in Taiwan has set maximum levels for arsenic (As), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), tin (Sn), and antimony (Sb) at 0.2 ppm, 0.3 ppm, 5.0 ppm, 5.0 ppm, 250 ppm, 0.15 ppm respectively, and never revised since 1992. Besides, the definition of beverage was not well defined in sanitation standard. Therefore, it is necessary to re-evaluate whether the standard is applicable to the variety of beverage products or not. This study collects the beverage regulations among several countries, and analyzes As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Sn, and Sb contents in commercial beverages to do a risk assessment. Finally hold an expert panel and propose a draft sanitation standard. The contents of each heavy metal in beverages lay in a range of N.D.-0.13 ppm for As, N.D.-0.08 ppm for Pb, N.D.-14.17 ppm for Zn, N.D.-0.99 ppm for Cu, N.D.-4.111 ppm for Sn, N.D.-0.096 ppm for Sb. The highest Zn content was found in a functional drink which added additional Zn and was unqualified. The result of risk assessment indicated that the level of As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Sn, Sb intake from beverage was corresponding to 10.7%, 8.6%, 1.1%, 0.8%, 0.8%, 6.1% of provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) or tolerable daily intake (TDI) in male, and 8.3%, 6.6%, 0.9%, 0.6%, 0.6%, 4.7% in female. The percentage was relative high in those 6-12 yr old. Overall, there was no heavy metal contamination problem in commercial beverages, and heavy metal intake from beverages was less than PTWI or TDI. This study suggested that beverages in Taiwan can be defined as “non-alcoholic or beverages with less than 0.5% alcohol, including fermentative drinks which do not expect alcohol as target product such as fruit vinegar.” Furthermore, because of the international regulations and the result of risk assessment, we suggested that maximum levels for As, Pb, Sn could be decreased to protect children and toddlers. Zinc could be canceled in beverage sanitary standard.


台灣區飲料工業同業公會。2009。會員工廠各種產品銷售量成長情形比較表。http://www.bia.org.tw/comm/upfile/d_090512_03736.xls 下載日期:2010/03/28
Abernathy, C. O.; Ohanian, E. V. Non-carcinogenic effects of inorganic arsenic. Environ. Geochem. Health. 1992, 14, 35-41.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). Public health statement for tin. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service: Atlanta, GA, 2005a.
