  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Characterization of Fullerene Derivatives with Carbazole and Fluorene and Their Applications

指導教授 : 梁文傑
共同指導教授 : 王立義(Lee-yih Wang)


本論文中我們合成富勒烯對位具有丁基取代的咔唑與芴的衍生物,稱為Cbz-mono與Flu-mono,並且觀測其電化學性質及其應用於太陽能電池元件上的製作,並探討3-己烷基聚噻吩(P3HT)與富勒烯衍生物在不同比例、溶劑、退火溫度的光伏打電池元件的表現,P3HT/Cbz-mono的元件最佳條件為比例為P3HT:Cbz-mono = 1:0.7 w/w,溶劑為鄰二氯苯與1,2,4-三氯苯,可測得開路電壓為0.69 V、短路電流為6.02 mA/cm2、填充因子為60.92%、能量轉換效率可達到2.53%。而P3HT/Flu-mono的元件最佳條件為P3HT:Flu-mono = 1:0.7 w/w,溶劑為鄰二氯苯,其元件的開路電壓為0.73 V、短路電流為6.82 mA/cm2、填充因子為55.89%、能量轉換效率可達到2.78%。 另一方面,我們利用Cbz-mono其電聚合的特性,將其應用於電極修飾,利用循環伏安法即可在電極表面修飾上碳六十衍生物。


We synthesized fullerene derivatives with carbazole and fluorene containing para butyl substitution, which are called Cbz-mono and Flu-mono. We study their electrochemical properties and the performance of photovoltaic devices of P3HT :fullerene derivatives with different blend ratios, solvent, and annealing temperature. The optimized conditions of P3HT/Cbz-mono device is P3HT:Cbz-mono = 1:0.7 in a mixed solvent of oDCB and TCB, and the the open circult voltage(Voc)is 0.69 V、the short circuit current(Jsc)is 6.02 mA/cm2、the fill-factor is 60.92%, and the power conversion efficiency is 2.53%. Under the optimized conditions of P3HT/Flu-mono device is P3HT:Cbz-mono = 1:0.7 in oDCB, shows the the open circult voltage(Voc)of 0.73 V. The short circuit current(Jsc)is 6.82 mA/cm2. The fill-factor is 55.89%. The power conversion efficiency is 2.78%. More over, we used the electro-polymerization of Cbz-mono was applied for 、.


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