  • 學位論文


Analysis and Prospects of Taiwan Steel Structure Industry

指導教授 : 曾惠斌教授


中文摘要 歷史不會重演但總會驚人地相似(“History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, But it Rhymes - Mark Twain”)。希望藉由所收集以及彙整之全球主要鋼結構產業相關之資料,鑑古知今,提供台灣鋼結構產業日後發展之參考。 依據OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development) 的統計,營建產業是全世界最大的產業之一,佔全球GDP13.4%,約7.5兆美元(WSA 2013)。同時,營建產業耗用鋼量為全世界鋼鐵產量之50%以上。鋼結構產業既是鋼鐵工業中重要的關聯性產業,也是營建產業中極為重要之一環,具有承上啟下帶動其他相關產業發展的關鍵特性,是一種勞力、技術、資金密集的產業,對台灣鋼鐵產業以及營建產業的重要性不言可喻。 台灣營建鋼結構產業的機會在哪裡呢?首先,台灣地區營建用鋼結構僅占全台灣鋼鐵於2013年總產量約3400萬公噸的5.0% ~ 7.5%左右,與歐美日等先進國家30%~40% (2010)左右(北歐國家甚至高達85%以上)的比例仍存在相當之差距。自921地震之後,考慮住宅制震功能性需求以及安全等因素,住宅以及非住宅建築使用鋼結構的比例已經明顯提高。其次,大陸自2011年起推動新一波十二五計畫中將城鎮化列為一重大目標工程,城鎮化的過程將提高鋼結構需求,以求解決其居民居住品質問題,更同時解決其鋼鐵業產能過剩問題。中國大陸鋼鐵業的產能利用率目前約70%~75%。再者,東協以及印度正處於經濟起飛階段,各項公共建設以及營建需求不斷擴大。以印度為例,印度2013年營建用鋼量占其全國鋼鐵產量約70% (WAS,2013.),對於鋼結構之需求趨旺。最後,值得一提的是,全球對於減碳及永續的要求越來越高,鋼鐵的使用不僅在減碳成效上較使用混凝土明顯有效,同時,鋼鐵的循環使用率超過90%,更是環境永續建材的最佳選擇。因此,台灣鋼結構產業在因應國內、中國大陸、東協以及印度等改變以及相應之需求,預期仍具有相當大之發展空間。參考WSA、WTO以及 OECD等全球經濟體發展軌跡資料,台灣鋼結構產業更應把握機會努力拓展大陸以及東南亞市場。 針對台灣營建鋼結構產業的未來發展,以及進軍國際市場 – 尤其是大陸以及亞洲東協市場,希望藉由本文相關資料之收集統計完成五力分析以及SWOT策略分析矩陣能提供台灣營建鋼結構產業對市場以及競爭對象具備更深入之了解。


ABSTRACT “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes - Mark Twain”。 Construction industry is one of the largest industries in the world, it is accounting for GDP13.4% of worldwide economic output value, around 7.5 trillion U.S. dollars (WSA 2013). Meanwhile, the amount of steel construction industry consumes more than 50% of the world's steel production. Structural steel industry is not only one of correlation industry of steel & iron industry, and also an extremely important element of the construction industry. Structural steel industrial is key nexus led the development of other related industries, and is a labour, technology, capital-intensive industries, the importance of Taiwan's structural steel industry in the construction industry can not be understated. Structural steel annual consuming is around 34 million tonnes in Taiwan in year 2013, accounting for about 5.0 ~ 7.5 percent of Taiwan's total steel production proportion. Compare with Europe and Japan and other advanced countries (the 30% ~ 40% of total steel production proportion in 2010), there is still a considerable of the gap. Even if since the 921 earthquake, steel structural been utilized in residential buildings increased significantly, however, structural steel production capacity in Taiwan is still far greater than the market demand. The global steel demand will increase rapidly along with some significantly important developing countries which account for over 40% of the world's population, e.g. China, India and ASEAN. With the development of these regions as well as the higher urbanization, more demands of the public infrastructure and higher quality residential buildings will lead their construction industry into the peak period of development. Output in those regions or countries to GDP will be higher and caused more structural steel consuming. Taiwan's steel industry should strive to actively seek opportunities to restructuring from domestic-oriented industries as a competitive and foreign demand industry, or go to the market to set up manufacturing and logistics centre, grow and thrive as an international enterprise. Would like to take this research, through data collection and statistical to complete the Porter’s five-forces analysis and SWOT Strategy Analysis Matrix, provide Taiwan's construction steel producer /industry some competitive consideration and with more in-depth understanding of the object.


4. Gordon Moffat, Directeur General EUROFER, ” European Climate Change Policy and its Implications for the Steel Industry”, 29th November, 2011.
9. Joe Innace, ”2013 Global Metals Trends”, Platts, April 19, 2013.
29. Ministry of Steel (India), ”Report of the Working Group on Steel Industry for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012 – 2017)”, Ministry of Steel (India), Nov, 2011.
31. OCED,”Materials of 68th Session of the OECD Steel Committee meeting”, OCED, May, 2012.
32. OECD, ”Policy Round Table – Construction Industry”, 2008. Definition of Construction Industry.
