  • 學位論文


An Investigation on Leisure Farm Experience Activities, Satisfaction and Consumer Spending

指導教授 : 雷立芬
共同指導教授 : 孔維新(Wei-Hsin Kung)


2014年全臺共有2,408家農業場家,顯示產業內部的競爭越形劇烈,休閒農場業者必須建立特色才能產生競爭優勢。農林漁牧生產、農業經營活動、農村文化及農家生活都是休閒農場的經營基礎。消費者的體驗方式,包括解說、參觀、參與操作、品嚐、比賽等。然而各種體驗方式必須符合消費者休憩的需求,甚至讓其得到滿意,消費者才會願意支付各項體驗活動的費用,業者才有提高收入的機會。本研究欲以滿意度為中介變數,探討不同種類之體驗活動對消費支出的直接效果與先透過滿意度再進而影響消費支出的間接效果,驗證不同種類之體驗活動是否對滿意度與消費支出具有影響效果。 本研究從「2014年農業旅遊經濟效益評估-遊客問卷」的問卷資料,隨機取出3,562個樣本進行因果路徑實證分析。樣本資料顯示,親友同行所佔比例最高,消費者的資訊主要來自網站,而平均體驗金額不超過400元。緣此,業者可以善用網路行銷以及社群媒體的宣傳功能,作為促銷工具。在體驗活動的設計上,應該考量親友同行的消費群體,設計活動內容,以符合消費者之需求。 有關體驗活動可以透過滿意度提升而增加消費支出的假設檢定,結果顯示「農漁牧生產體驗活動」、「食材品嚐活動」、「農產品加工或周邊品利用體驗活動」、「民俗或童玩活動」此四種體驗項目對滿意度與消費支出之影響路徑皆為顯著。其中以「食材品嚐活動」之路徑最為顯著。建議業者強化在地食材之特色,發展相關體驗活動,譬如從採摘、處理以及動手烹調的完整體驗活動。甚至以當地食材開發完整套餐,並且提升擺盤裝飾以及餐廳的佈置,以達到五官在「色、香、味」的體驗。


Taiwan belongs to smallholder agriculture, last several years, the government has been actively transforming traditional agriculture into high value-added agriculture such as leisure agriculture and tourist farm, therefore operating agriculture experience activities has become a major option for leisure farm owners.Economic pattern also changes with the times, now is the era of experience economy. Tourists has become more and more leisure-oriented these days, their expectations in experience activities also tend to be diversified. There are plenty of literatures regarding whether experienceactivities increase consumers’ satisfaction and spending. This research treats consumer satisfaction as the mediatorin order to investigate the direct effect from multiple types of experience activities also the indirect effect of consumer satisfactionand further spending, which completely verify the synergy between different types of experienceactivitiesand consumer satisfaction as well as their spending. In order to conduct empirical analysis, this researchestablishes causal path model applying 3562 samples from the questionnaire“Assess and Evaluate Agricultural Tourism Economy -Visitors Questionnaire, 2014”, then verify the significance of each path with AMOS21.0. The result demonstrates that“Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry ExperienceActivities”, “Ingredient Tasting Activities”, “Agricultural Products Processing/Peripheral Products Experience Activities”and ”Folklore/Folkgame Activities”are significant to bothconsumer satisfaction and their spending which "Ingredients Tasting" path is the most significant among all activities. This research also submits proposals to leisure farm owners according to the empirical result.


張嘉雯、 王惠玄、 李敏瑋,2010。「品牌形象、知覺價值與顧客忠誠度關係之探究」。《 興國學報》,11:23-36。
