  • 學位論文


Dwell++: Haptic-augmented Multi-level TouchBased on Dwell Time

指導教授 : 陳炳宇


Dwell,長按,是一個被頻繁使用,並且眾所周知的模式切換方式。這篇論文提出 Dwell++ 設計模式,用以改善 Dwell 輸入時間過長以及模式切換數量過少(2個模式)之弱點。 Dwell++ 在長按過程中,加上使用者可以感受的規律的震動,使用者在長按過程默數震動次數,在不同次數時結束長按,便可以切換至不同模式。 我們的觸覺回饋設計如:在一次固定的時間間隔中,使用者會先感受到一次 10ms 的震動,完後剩下的時間為無震動狀態,並規律重複相同的時間間隔。此篇論文進行了一系列研究,以找出最有效率的間隔時間以及適合之震動設計。第一個實驗測試 190ms 、 170ms 、 150ms 、 130ms 、 110ms 等五種時間間隔,分析其結果之後,我們設計出「每三拍一重拍的」震動模式並在實驗二做測試。實驗二結果分析顯示: 170ms 在加上規律重拍震動模式之後,九次間隔選擇準確率進步至 94.5\% ,而 150ms 加上規律重拍震動模式,在五次間隔選擇準確率也達到 93.8\% 。並且在第三個實驗中,我們證明只要能夠感受到震動節奏,不論感受部位是否與輸入部位相同,都可以使用 Dwell++ 並達到相同的準確度。 此篇論文也提出多種應用 Dwell++ 之方式,像是小螢幕文字輸入、結合頭戴式設備增加操作模式、結合觸控筆增加操作模式、與 IoT 裝置結合以增加操作模式等等。最後此篇論文提出 Dwell++ 模組,此模組包含按鈕以及震動馬達,可以在觸碰按鈕時,開啟 Dwell++ 震動,並將其結果藉由藍芽傳送至相連之裝置,利用 Dwell++ 模組,可以很簡單的在不同裝置上增加多種操作模式。


長按 震動 觸覺回饋


Dwell, a well-known mode-switching method, is generally considered inefficient due to a requiring long dwelling time in order to avoid unintended input and also limited single mode it allows. This paper presents Dwell++, a method that boosts the effectiveness of typical dwell select by augmenting the passive dwell duration with active haptic ticks which promptly drives rapid switches of modes forward through the user’s skin sensation. This way, Dwell++ enables multi-level dwell select using rapid haptic ticks. To select a mode from a button, users dwell-touch the button until the mode of selection being haptically prompted. Our haptic stimulation design consists of a short 10ms vibrotacile feedback that indicates a mode arriving and a break that separates consecutive modes. We first tested the effectiveness of 190ms, 170ms 150ms, 130ms, 110ms intervals between modes for a 10-level selection, the results reveal that three-beat-per-chunk rhythm design for 170ms, 150ms and 130ms, e.g., displaying longer 25ms vibration at the first of every three modes, could potentially bring higher accuracy. The second user study reveals significant improvement where a 94.5% accuracy is achieved for a 10-level dwell++ select using the 170ms interval with 3-beat-per-chunk design, and a 93.82% accuracy using the faster 150ms interval with similar chunks for 5-level selection. The approximate performance of conducting touch and receiving vibration from different hands was investigate at the last study for providing a wider range of usage for Dwell++. Our applications demonstrated implementing Dwell++ across different interfaces, such as text input on a smartwatch, enhancing touch space for HMDs, boosting modalities of stylus-based tool selection, and extending the input vocabulary of physical interfaces. Finally, we provide the Dwell++ Module, design a prototype, and make a demo application to demonstrate the usage of the module.


Touch Dwell Vibrotactile Feedback Touchscreen Experiments


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