  • 學位論文


Exploring Factors Affecting Training Effectiveness of Farmers’ Computer Skill Training

指導教授 : 岳修平


訓練成效常作為判斷執行教育訓練的價值與效果,因此探討影響訓練成效因素的研究相當豐富。然而僅著重在受訓學員的個人因素之影響效果是不足的,因為各受訓學員所處的訓練情境不同,即學員參與的訓練班不同,則訓練班的差異亦會影響受訓學員對訓練成效的判斷。本研究旨在探討訓練成效的影響因素時,除了考量學員個人層次的影響因素如性別、年齡、教育程度、職業與資訊科技經驗外,同時加入訓練班組織層次的影響因素如課程類型、開課類型與分布地區的影響效果。本研究嘗試建構一個以個人層次與組織層次因素為自變項,「訓練滿意度」、「課程助益程度」、「所學熟練程度」與「應用所學信心」四項訓練成效指標為依變項的研究架構,並利用階層線性模式以農民網路技能訓練為對象對此研究架構進行實證研究,以瞭解各變項之影響關係。 研究結果分為個人因素、訓練班因素與調節效果三個部分,首先,在個人因素的研究結果發現:1. 男性學員在課程助益程度、所學熟練程度與應用所學信心三項訓練成效指標的表現較女性學員佳。2. 學員的年齡對四項訓練成效指標具有顯著影響,但除了訓練滿意度為正向影響外,其他三個指標為負向影響。3.學員的教育程度對課程助益程度、所學熟練程度與應用所學信心三項訓練成效指標具有顯著正向影響。4.非農民學員對在課程助益程度的訓練成效指標表現較農民學員佳。5.學員的資訊科技經驗對訓練滿意度、所學熟練程度與應用所學信心三項訓練成效指標具有顯著正向影響。第二,訓練班因素的研究結果發現,僅課程類型對訓練滿意度與課程助益程度兩個訓練成效指標有顯著影響,基礎班的學員在訓練滿意度與課程助益程度兩項訓練成效指標的表現較進階班學員佳。第三,關於調節效果部分,訓練班因素僅分布地區對訓練滿意度與應用所學信心具有調節效果。


The purpose of this study is to explore the factors of training effectiveness. This study considered both individual and organizational factors and applied hierarchical linear model (HLM) analysis method to examine the structure with affecting factors of farmers’ computer training effectiveness. There are five individual factors, three organizational factors and four training effectiveness criteria in the study structure. The five individual factors are gender, age, education, occupation, and information communication technology (ICT) experience of participants. The three organizational factors are levels of training, types of training host, and regions of training delivery. The four training effectiveness criteria are perceived satisfaction, perceived usefulness, mastering of learning, and confidence of learning transfer. For the individual factors, findings of the study show that firstly, male performed better than female on three training effectiveness criteria: perceived usefulness, mastering of learning, and confidence of learning transfer. Secondly, the age of trainee significantly influence all training effectiveness criteria. However, except for the criterion “perceived satisfaction”, the age of trainee has effects on the other three criteria. Thirdly, the education of trainees significantly influences three training effectiveness criteria. Fourthly, the trainees who are not professional farmers performed better than the farmers in terms of perceived usefulness of training. Lastly, the ICT experience of trainees significantly influence three training effectiveness criteria. For the organization factors, findings of the study show that only training program significantly influence two training effectiveness criteria: perceived satisfaction and usefulness of training. This finding means that the trainee who participate in basic level training programs performed better than who participate in advanced level program in terms of perceived satisfaction and usefulness of training. On the other hand, the region factor at organizational level played a key role of having positive moderating effects on the explanation of the relationships among two individual-level affecting factors. One is among the ICT experience of trainee and perceived satisfaction of training; the other is the age of trainee and confidence of learning transfer.


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