  • 學位論文


Uncertainty and coping in Spinal cord injuryed Patients.

指導教授 : 羅美芳


摘要 本研究之目的主要在瞭解脊髓損傷病患之不確定感及因應策略之情形與相關,並瞭解不同患病期間不確定感及因應策略得分之變化;瞭解不同基本屬性、疾病資料與不確定感、因應策略得分之差異性及相關性,並了解脊髓損傷病患因應策略之預測因子及預測力。研究方法採橫斷式調查法,採結構式問卷進行資料收集,使用工具包括基本資料表、中文版Mishel不確定感量表、中文版Jaloweic因應量表。以立意取樣之方式進行收案,共收得脊髓損傷病患38名。研究結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象之平均不確定感為中等程度,其中不明確性不確定感高於複雜性不確定感。 二、研究對象之不確定感及因應策略隨著不同患病期間會有不同的變化,患病第4至5年期間是一個明顯的轉折點,不確定感明顯增高,整體因應策略使用頻率增加,使用情緒取向因應策略頻率增加,使用問題取向因應策略頻率減少。 三、研究對象情緒取向因應策略之預測因子為整體不確定感,可解釋的變異量為37%。 四、研究對象問題取向因應策略之預測因子為訊息性社會支持、整體不確定感,可解釋的變異量為37%。 本研究結果可以提供醫護人員及相關單位人員參考,規劃如何協助脊髓損傷病患降低不確定感,並採取適當的因應策略,促進其對疾病及生活的適應。 關鍵字:脊髓損傷、不確定感、因應策略


不確定感 因應 脊髓損傷


Purpose: The purpose of this study were (1) to explore the level of uncertainty in SCI patients; (2) to explore the coping strategies used in SCI patients; (3) to determine the correlated factors such as demographic, illness data with uncertainty; (4) to determine the correlated factors such as demographic, illness data with coping; (5) to determine the relationship between uncertainty and coping; (6) to determine the predictors of coping. Method: A cross-sectional research design was used for the study. Eligible subjects were recruited by purposive sampling from a Rehabilitation Unit’s inpatients and outpatients which suffered from SCI within five years. Research instruments included Background Information, Mishel Uncertainty Scale Chinese Version and Jaloweic Coping Scale Chinese Version. A total of 38 valid questionnaires were received. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, t test, one way ANOVA, and multiple & stepwise regressions. Results: The findings of the study included that (1) the level of SCI patient’s uncertainty was moderate, and the level of ambiguity was higher than the level of complexity in uncertainty scale; (2) as time past, the level of uncertainty and the coping strategies changed. Four to five years after trauma was a critical point. The uncertainty level rised and patients used emotion focused coping strategies more often than problem focused coping strategies during this period; (3) the predictive variable for emotion focused coping was uncertainty, which explained 37% of the total variance; (4) The predictive variables for problem focused coping were uncertainty and information support, which explained 31% of the total variance. Conclusions: Our results provide valuable information to the health care providers and administrators. The results strongly supported that patient’s uncertainty level will influence their consequent using of coping strategies. Health care providers should help patients to decrease their uncertainty level and help them to use coping strategies properly. Keywords: spinal cord injury, uncertainty, coping


coping spinal cord injury uncertainty




