  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legalization of Administrative Neutrality of Civil Officials

指導教授 : 陳德禹


行政中立從微觀角度言,是文官應有的立場、態度、義務與行政倫理;從宏觀角度言,是人事行政的準則、文官制度的基礎、民主政治的表徵。另一方面行政中立是民主政治發展後必然的結果,也是政黨政治成熟後應有的訴求。 回顧國內自民國76年相繼解除戒嚴、開放組黨及終止動員戡亂後,政治生態產生極大蛻變,且政經結構急遽變動,歷經從威權體制趨向威權轉型,繼而民主鞏固等三階段時程,不但民主政治快速發展且逐步深化,政黨政治漸趨成熟,在競爭型政黨體系運作下,政權更迭與政黨輪替已是無可避免之常態,因而如何促使文官本於依法行政,執法公正理念,忠實推行政府政策,服務全民,並加強保障文官身分與權益,使其不受政治干擾,亦不得介入政黨派系紛爭,以專業及中立能力全心執行職務,而為全民服務,實有賴於建立文官行政中立法制,藉以落實推動行政中立。 觀乎國內現行相關法制,無論就文官行政中立基本要求,抑或文官政治活動應有的分際,尚乏完備法律規範;是以,文官行政中立事項之法制化,自屬政府當務之急。而文官行政中立法制化之首要工作,在於制定「公務人員行政中立法」,該法案於十餘年前,即經主管機關銓敘部研擬完成,陳報考試院於83年12月間函請立法院審議,嗣因迭遭波折,立法進度一再延宕,以致迄今仍未完成立法程序。從而其癥結問題為何,如何研謀解決,以利其儘速完成立法,乃為本論文之主要研究目的與論述重點。 本論文係由理論與實務兩方面,運用文獻分析與理論探討結果,並從長期動態整體的歷史結構性觀點,剖析我國政經體制變遷與文官行政中立關係之演變;再就中外國家行政中立法制與實踐之綜合比較,歸納其可資啟發與借鏡之處。又進而活用既有相關文獻之實證研究資料,探討公務人員對行政中立看法之趨向;以及學者專家與立法委員對相關法案之意見,加以綜合性、整體性的觀照研析,據以評析相關法案內容,並對行政中立法制化重大問題,包括立法進度延遲、法案立法體例與名稱、以及規範內容等,參酌前述各方意見及外國法制與作法,加以檢討分析,釐清爭議癥結,並經研議具體可行之解決對策,供作日後立法協商或修正本法之參考。以期法案規範內容更臻周延妥適,有助於加速完成文官行政中立之法制化。


From a microcosmic perspective, civil officials are committed to administrative neutrality. From a macrocosmic perspective, administrative neutrality is the foundation of personnel administration, civil service system, and democracy. Administrative neutrality is the inevitable outcome of democratic development and mature party politics. In retrospect, the political and economic structures have been remarkably transformed since the lifting of martial law, free formation of political parties, and termination of the “Period of the National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion” in 1987. The authoritarian system has been replaced by democracy. Democracy has not only rapidly developed, but also gradually deepened. Under the impact of competitive party politics, the transfer of political power and the change of governing party have become normal. Thus, how to urge civil officials to carry out their duties in accordance with the law and professionalism, faithfully push forward with government policies, and serve the people indeed lies in the legalization of administrative neutrality of civil officials. The legalization will also help to safeguard the rights of civil officials, keep civil officials from political interference and the strife of political fractions. Our law-enforcement approach to the basic requirement for administrative neutrality or the political activities of civil officials is not sufficient. In this context, the legalization of administrative neutrality of civil officials has been put on the top priority of the administration. The prerequisite for the legalization of administrative neutrality of civil officials is the Civil Servant Administrative Neutrality Act. As a result, the Ministry of Civil Service drafted the Act, which was sent to the Legislature for approval by the Examination Yuan in December 1994. Regretfully, the Draft of the Act has been impending in the Legislature for more than ten years, illustrating the road to the passage of the Act are full of turns and twists,. Hence, the thesis aims to study the key issues and come up with solutions so as to facilitate the passage of the Act. The thesis is conducted in theory and practice. Based on the analysis of the literature and theoretical exploration, the thesis traces our political and economic transformation as well as the evolution of civil officials’ administrative neutrality from the long-term historical perspectives. By comparing Taiwan with other countries in regard to the Administrative Neutrality Act, the thesis offers some inspirations and lessons. Furthermore, in view of the empirical research of the current documents, I explored not only civil servants’ viewpoints on administrative neutrality, but also scholars’ and experts’ comments on the relevant acts. Meanwhile I have done an in-depth study on the content of the relevant acts and the major issues such as the delay in legislation. The collected data, consultations I have made and my own studies were the basis for detailed evaluation and analysis. Taking all factors into considerations, I clarified the controversies and came up with feasible countermeasures and conclusions, which might serve as a reference for future regulatory negotiation and amendment of the Act. It is hoped that the thesis will contribute to the smooth passage of the Civil Servant Administrative Neutrality Act.




