  • 學位論文


A Study on the Historical Evolution of “Lian” Construction

指導教授 : 張麗麗


「連」字句指的是現代漢語中具有強調作用的句式「連+Y+也�都+VP」。 這個句式的使用頻率很高,學界對這個句式亦投以高度的關注,只是多數研究集 中在功能及語用層面,較少觸及「連」字句的歷史發展。本文從「連」的原始義 開始研究,透過對歷史語料的追蹤,分析「連」字句的產生及發展。 本文在第一章先對研究問題、範圍、方法、相關理論及研究概況作一說明。 第二章從句法、語義及語用三個角度探討現代漢語中「連」字句的特性,把握住 「連」字句的特性將有助於我們了解在歷史觀察中應側重那些要點。 第三章起進入歷史演變研究,第三章針對「連」的實詞義間的演變脈絡進行 分析,探討各義項產生的時代、演變來源及句法特性。第四章研究「連」字句的 前身「包括式」的產生及發展,並探討其演變機制。第五章研究「連」字句的形 成及演變機制。第六章研究「連」字句產生後的發展。第七章指出本文的研究成 果。


The “Lian” construction: [Lian Y ye/dou VP] is a construction in modern Chinese which means to express emphasis. The frequency of using this construction is high, and academics also pay attention to it intensively. But most published researches are focusing on semantic functions and pragmatics, few on historical evolutions. This thesis begins with the original meaning of “Lian” and ends up providing the observation on the origin and development of “Lian” construction by tracing the original text in the diachronic corpora. In Chapter 1 the research question will be proposed. The research scope, method, theories and literature reviews will also be provided and discussed. Chapter 2 focuses on the studies of the features of “Lian” constructions from the perspective of syntax, semantic and pragmatic. In fact, understanding the features of “Lian” constructions benefits the research on the evolution of “Lian” constructions. Initiating from chapter 3, the research continues from the historical perspective. This part will provide the analysis on the semantic evolution of the notional word “Lian”, indicating the arising age, syntax properties of every semantic item, and stating how and why it evolves. Chapter 4 shows the evolution path and the mechanisms of semantic change of the predecessor of “Lian” constructions, which I call “include construction”. Chapter 5 shows the evolution path and the mechanisms of semantic change of “Lian” constructions. Chapter 6 states the progress of “Lian” constructions after it emerged. Finally, Chapter 7 provide the conclusion of this thesis.


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