  • 學位論文

作業員離職原因之研究 - 以大陸華東地區電子設計製造服務業A公司為例

A Longitudinal Study on Operator Turnover - An Electronic Design Manufacturing Service Company in The Eastern China

指導教授 : 莊璦嘉


本研究旨在探討影響作業員離職行為的原因,並以在中國大陸華東地區某大型電子設計製造業A公司的作業員為研究對象,探討作業員在進入組織後初期的離職實際原因,進而提供A公司有效降低離職率之具體建議。在離職率有效降低後,因為高離職率所衍生出來的”缺工”現象可以獲得大幅紓解,高替換成本也可以大幅下降,產品生產品質、效率、以及交期也可更容易管理與維持,最終使客戶滿意度能獲得有效提升。 透過文獻探討離職相關原因,參照Smith, Kendall, Hulin (1969)所提出的"工作描述指標(Job Descriptive Index, JDI)量表的五個構面,並以A公司過去的離職統計分析,再經與A公司人事單位以及相關主管討論後,本研究設計出與A公司實務上相關的員工現況調查問卷。為求實務上能取得可信賴之問卷結果,本次研究針對A公司到職約一個多月左右的作業員進行較大規模問卷調查,總共針對11個廠級單位,採隨機抽樣方式,回收2,051份有效問卷。在一般離職研究中,由於較難大規模追蹤員工離職狀況,故多採用離職意圖來做為分析對象;然而,離職意圖與實際離職行為二者之間恐仍有差異存在,因此本研究不使用離職意圖,而採持續追蹤作業員到職第二個月以及第三個月的實際離職結果來做分析。統計分析方法則採用多項式Logistic迴歸分析,以相關人口變項及問卷結果為預測變項,並以實際離職行為做為結果變項進行分析。 本研究結果顯示,A公司作業員在到職後的第二個月以及第三個月期間,影響其離職行為的顯著因素並不完全一致,且存在些許差異。在人口統計變項方面,到在職第三個月,大專學歷相較於初中,以及派遣作業員相較於正職作業員才與離職有顯著正相關;而在問卷結果方面,在到職第二個月,家人的支持與離職有顯著負相關,請假次數與離職有顯著正相關,但兩者在到職第三個月無顯著相關性;作業員過去曾經工作過的公司家數,在到在職第三個月才與離職有顯著正相關。本研究進一步根據這些顯著影響因子,提出實務上相關的管理建議,以作為A公司未來離職率改善對策的參考。


The purpose of this research is to examine the root cause of operator turnover. A case study was taken on the early employed operator of an electronic design manufacturing service company, which is located in the eastern China and is so called as A company hereafter. Based on the research result, improvement suggestions will be provided to A company such that turnover rate can be reduced. When the turnover rate can be effectively reduced, not only the situation of “operator shortage” can be eased, the high operator replacement cost and the production quality, efficiency and the delivery time can also be improved. By referencing to the 5 structures of Job Descriptive Index (JDI) by Smith, Kendall, Hulin(1969), also basing on the turnover study result of A company , and the discussion with A company’s senior managers and HR experts, an operator survey form is designed specifically for this research. To get a trustable result, total 2051 surveys were randomly released to those operators which were on board for about 1 month. Those operators were from 11 organizations in A company. Normally, the turnover intention is used instead to evaluate the actual turnover behavior due to that it is difficult to be tracked for a long period of time. Yet, the turnover intention is sometimes different from the actual turnover behavior. To avoid this very difference, operators have been continuously tracked for over 2 months for the actual turnover behavior. The Logistic Regression is used as the analysis method. Population variables and the question results of the survey are used as the independence valuables while the turnover behavior is used as the dependence variable. The research results reveals that the influence factors of the turnover in the second and the third month of on board is with some difference. For the demographic variable, colleague versus junior high school, and the dispatching employee versus official employee, both have positive correlation with turnover in the 2nd month. Yet, the correlation disappears in the 3rd month. For the survey result, in the 2nd month, the support from the family has negative correlation with the turnover and the times of absence has positive correlation with turnover. Yet, both correlations disappear in the 3rd month. On the contrary, the numbers of company operator having been worked for has positive correlation with the turnover only in the 3rd month. Based on those findings, some practical management suggestions of turnover improvement are proposed to A company.


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