  • 學位論文


The Management of Protection Forest in Wenshan County During Japanese Colonial Period

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


1895年日本佔領臺灣後,開始引入了現代化的森林經營方法,經營台灣廣大的山林資源。臺灣保安林制度即是1901年制訂。本研究透過日治時期文山郡保安林之經營過程,探討文山郡產業活動與保安林經營之關係。 從本研究所蒐集之文獻可見,明治與大正年間保安林隨著郡內隘勇線之推進,從一般行政區域逐漸深入蕃地。此時期文山郡一般行政區內之保安林設置,主要係為了保護水力發電設施,在新店庄龜山及灣潭設置兩處土砂扞止林。另外也在新店庄大坪林、石碇庄員潭仔坑、坪林庄鶯仔瀨與九芎林等人口較多之墾地與聚落設置土砂扞止林,以防止土石崩落。大正後期因隘勇線之推進有成,開始在南勢溪及北勢溪上游蕃地分別劃設12,665甲與4,890甲之水源涵養保安林,提供民生用水之功能,更能穩定發電所需水力用水。昭和年間保安林之經營,係為配合從1925年開始之森林事業計畫中森林治水計畫,其一先將重要治水地點劃設為保安林地,其二透過治水造林復舊荒廢林野改善地況林況,並再將之劃設為保安林地。此期間保安林多位於景美溪與北勢溪及其支流沿岸劃設,並集中在深坑庄阿柔坑,石碇庄員潭仔坑與崩山,以及坪林庄水聳淒坑與鰎魚堀等人口較多之聚落,與交通要道之處,防止沿岸土砂崩落,保護住民與避免主要道路交通中斷。


After Japan occupied Taiwan in 1895, Japanese employed the modern forest management method to manage the vast forest resources in Taiwan. Consequently, Protection Forest Institution for Taiwan was promulgated in 1901. This study reviewed the management history of protection forest at the area of Wen Shan County during Japanese colonial period in order to investigate the relationship between industrial activity and protection forest management at Wen San County. The results of literature survey revealed that the scope of protection forest was extended along with the move of the barrier defense line in Wen Shan County from general administrative region gradually deep into aboriginal area during the years of Meiji and Taisho period. In that time, the purpose of protection forest in general administrative region was to protect the facilities for hydraulic power. As a result, two erosion control forests were set, one at Guei Shan, Sin Dian village and another at Wan Tan, Sin Dian Village. Additionally, erosion control forests were also set at reclamation area and village, where more population live, for example, at Da Ping Lin, Sin Dian Village; Yuan Tan Zai Keng, Shih Ding Village; Ying Zai Lai, Ping Lin Village; and Jiou Cyong Lin, Ping Lin Village, in order to prevent the erosion and collapse of soil and rock. At the late years of Taisho, the move of the barrier defense line was in success, 12,665 hectare and 4,890 hectare of head water protection forests were set at the aboriginal area on the upstream of Nan Shih Creek and Bei Shih Creek, respectively, to provide the function for domestic water supply and to stabilize the hydraulic water for electric power generation. The management of protection forest at the years of Showa was conducted by the project of forestry water management in order to match up the plan of forestry industry began in 1925. Firstly, setting the important site of water management as the area of protection forest, and secondly, regulating waterways and cultivating forest to restore the abandon wild land and to improve the situation of land and forest, then re-setting them as protection forests. During these periods, most of protection forests were located along the Jin Mei Creek, Bei Shih Creek, and their tributary. Also, these protection forests were concentrated at A Rou Keng, Shen Keng Village; Yuan Tan Zai Keng and Beng Shan, Shih Ding Village; and Shuei Song Ci Keng and Jian Yu Ku, Ping Lin Village, where were the place with more population and were the significant intersection of traffic. Obviously, the purposes of these protection forests were for preventing the soil erosion and collapse along the river bank, protecting the life and properties of habitant, and avoiding the interruption of traffic on major roadway.


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