  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Defense Wound in Homicide Victims in Taiwan

指導教授 : 孫家棟




司法解剖 他殺 銳器傷 鈍器傷 防衛傷


In the diagnosis of manner of death, the presence of evidence on the body is especially important and necessary. Among them, the hesitation cuts or defense wounds are especially mandatory to differentiate suicide from homicide respectively. Therefore, it is important to analyze the characters of the defense wounds. In this study, totally 229 homicides were collected from the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Ministry of Justice , in which 119 homicides (51.97%) were examined for the presence of defense injuries. The number of male victims was 80, and the number of female victims was 39. More than three fourths among the victims were between 20 and 60 years old (78.99%). 514 defense wounds were found on the upper limbs, while only 29 defense wounds were found on the lower limbs. Most defense wounds located on hands and forearms (248 on hands and 153 an forearms), and were seen widely at both extensor and flexor sides. However, there was no difference between the left and the right side. All kinds of defense wounds (either sharp or blunt etiology) were possible. The most causes of death were the stab wounds in the chest (33.54%). There was no evidence to support the association between the occurrence of defense wounds and the consumption of alcohol in this study. Because of many factors affecting defense wounds (especially drugs)., I suggest, we could make further research in those associations in the future.


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