  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃崇興


資訊服務業兼具資訊業與服務業的雙重特質,產業界線並不明確,是個相當複雜的行業。而我國資訊服務業企業規模偏小,相較於國際大廠競爭力較弱;企業併購應可成為快速成長與競爭策略工具。 從顧客價值論與利潤的基本公式 (利潤 = 價格–成本) 得知,成本領導優勢的追求與建立,是屬於營運效能價值與產品領導價值所依賴的競爭優勢。價格領導優勢的追求與建立,則屬於顧客服務價值所依賴的競爭優勢。台灣的資訊服務業須轉型為以顧客服務導向的加值型資訊服務業,透過專業資訊技術服務的傳遞,建立顧客信賴的服務品質,而使顧客願意以較高的價格購買資訊產品與服務。也因高顧客服務價值的傳遞,得以於利基市場上建立起差異化的服務品質形象與競爭優勢。 本研究藉由探討精誠資訊與恆逸資訊兩家資訊服務企業的併購個案,包括兩家企業的策略考量,以及併購過程中規劃、執行與整合等三個關鍵階段之深入研究,分析一個併購案例的成功因素。 此個案由於雙方在資訊服務業皆有專長領域,合併之後將幾乎涵蓋完整的資訊服務業務範圍,合併之綜效極大;而雙方在大陸及國際事業都有相當程度之投入及成果,更可加速之未來發展深耕企業軟體市場,在北中南及兩岸三地亦可擴大發揮服務範疇,對於建立亞太產品通路佈局也有很大助益。 當企業透過併購策略轉型,運用得當,可為企業創造價值、獲得企業結合的綜效、追求規模經濟和範疇經濟與強化核心競爭優勢以取得較高利潤率、營業收入與市場佔有率。 本研究整合資訊服務業特性與發展趨勢,並透過個案分析,期望能為資訊服務業進行購併策略時,提供作為參考。


World business faces new uncertainties since the economic downturn began in early 2000, especially information technology (IT) services. For individual firms, the economic role of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is to assist in achieving or maintaining their competitive advantage by anticipating and adjusting to change. There is a need to build core competencies and avoid core rigidities. The emphasis should be on building competency-based platforms. Core competencies comprise a set of skills and expertise that would enable a company to deliver exceptional value to customers. Most of the IT services providers in Taiwan are facing the challenges to build their core competencies on customer service value. A case study of Sysware acquired Ucom is discussed including strategic planning, execution processes and integration. Both parties are successful in their own fields. This merger creates synergies of economies of scale, more effective management, improved IT techniques, and the combination of complementary resources. The dynamics of competition and economic change will require continuous reassessment of its position and realignment to its new challenge and opportunities. The firm is required to make strategic decisions in the face of much uncertainty and considerable risk, especially with respect to mergers.


competition mergers


4. 劉芳梅,資策會電子商務研究所,網路脈動,2003年6月
5. 劉芳梅,資策會電子商務研究所,網路脈動,2003年12月
1. Haspeslagh, P.C., & Jemison, D.B., “Managing Acquisition – Creating Value Through Corporate Renewal’’, Free Press, N.Y. 1991
4. Light, David A., Harvard Business Review on Mergers & Acquisitions, Harvard Business School Press, May , 2001
5. Gaughan, Patrick A., “Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings”, 3/ed., Wiley, 2002


