  • 學位論文


Utilization of Soybean and Adzuki Bean as Bioindicator of Cadmium Pollution

指導教授 : 孫岩章


近年來由於工業廢水或其它廢棄物,造成水或農業用地的污染,導致許多公害的發生,但因一般水土污染的監測必須依賴儀器,費用高且不易普及,因而本研究考慮以植物作為監測污染之工具。 本實驗以水耕移苗法在1ppm鎘濃度下篩選二十種臺灣常見豆類植物,發現鎘對此二十種豆類植物皆會造成專一性紅棕色病徵,但經由病徵出現的快慢、健株是否帶有顏色及栽種的普遍性,初選出台南大豆4號、毛豆高雄6號、紅豆高雄3號及紅豆高雄7號進行各項研究。 以八種重金屬處理上述4種初選豆類植物,結果僅鎘會對此4種植物產生紅棕色病徵,顯示此病徵甚為專一。進行不同濃度鎘水耕液的測試發現0.1ppm即可對上述4種豆類植物產生病徵,且濃度越高者,病徵越快出現。 因為霍格蘭養營液無法調整其pH值,故以Peter,s肥料作為測試pH影響鎘反應之水耕栽培液,在不同的pH下加鎘處理上述4種豆類植物,發現大豆台南4號和高雄毛豆6號皆在pH6.2下病徵最快出現。而紅豆高雄3號和紅豆高雄7號在pH4.7及6.2下以鎘處理者,全數死亡。得知Peter,s肥料僅適用於大豆鎘污染指標植物,並不適用於紅豆。 以移苗法將上述4種豆類植物移植於不同濃度人工加鎘污染土,發現土壤中含鎘1ppm以上即可令此4種豆類產生紅棕色病徵,濃度越高者,病徵越快出現。 以直播法將上述4種豆類植物播於不同濃度人工加鎘污染土中,結果發現只有毛豆高雄6號、紅豆高雄7號,病徵的出現時間隨著鎘濃度的增加而越早出現;大豆台南4號及紅豆高雄3號病徵出現的早晚則和濃度沒有一定相關,高濃度者反而病徵較晚出現。此實驗結果顯示直播法較適用於土壤中鎘濃度低者,而不適用於含有高濃度鎘之污染土。 以移苗法將4種豆類植物移植在不同pH的人工加鎘污染土中,結果移苗後3天,種植於pH4.1之大豆台南4號、紅豆高雄3號及紅豆高雄7號已出現病徵,毛豆高雄6號則是在移植後4天出現病徵,而pH5.6及6.7者,則直至移植後十天,4種豆類植物皆尚未出現病徵。顯示土壤的酸鹼度會影響病徵出現的快慢,土壤pH值越高者,病徵越慢出現。 以移苗法測試自彰化採樣之七個田間鎘污染土,結果全部都會產生紅棕色病徵,唯其病徵出現的時間較相似濃度的人工加鎘污染土晚了許多天。主要是因為田間鎘污染土的pH值高於人工加鎘污染土之緣故。


紅豆 大豆


In recent years, waste water or other waste of the industry has caused serious pollution in farm soil in Taiwan. Monitoring of the water and soil pollution usually relied on expensive instrument and was not convenient. Therefore, we consider to use plants as a tool to monitor the pollution. By treating the soybean and adzuki bean in water culture, twenty cultivars were screened for their specific symptoms against 1ppm cadmium. Results showed that all the plants expressed reddish brown symptom, even though there was a time difference. According to the criteria of speed of symptom expression, interference from natural pigment and the popularity of the cultivar, we select four cultivars including soybean ST4, SK6, adzuki bean AK3 and AK7 for further studies. When eight heavy metals were treated to these four cultivars, only cadmium produced the reddish brown symptom on them. They will express such a symptom even at concentration of 0.1ppm in water culture. At higher concentration, the plants reveal such a symptom faster. Because the Hoagland solution can not be adjusted for higher pH, Peter’s fertilizer was used instead to test the effect of pH on cadmium. All four cultivars were treated with 3 levels of pH. We found that soybean ST4 and SK6 expressed symptoms fastest in pH 6.2. The adzuki bean AK3 and AK7, however, died in pH4.7 and pH6.2. The results suggest that Peter’s fertilizer is only suitable for the soybean, not for adzuki bean. When young seedings of these four cultivars were transplanted onto man-made cadmium-polluted soils, they can express the symptoms at concentrations as low as 1ppm. The higher the concentration the faster the plants reveal such a symptom. When seeds of these four cultivars were directly sown in the man-made cadmium-polluted soils, only soybean SK6 and adzuki bean AK7 showed the tendency that at higher concentration, the symptoms appear faster. Hower, soybean ST4 and adzuki bean AK3 did not fit the rule. Some of them did not express the symptoms very well at higher concentration. Results of this experiment suggest that direct sowing is suitable only for adequate concentration, but not for high level of pollution. The effect of soil pH on Cd symptom expression was studied by transplanting the seeding to man-made cadmium-polluted soils at 3 pH levels. Result showed that soybean ST4, adzuki bean AK3 and AK7 expressed symptom in three days at pH4.7, while soybean SK6 expressed symptoms in four days. At pH5.6 and pH6.2, all four cultivars did not show the symptoms after ten days. These results suggested that the acidity of the soil will affect the symptom expression. The higher the soil pH, the slower the symptom will appear. Seven contaminated field soils were sampled from farms in Chang-Hwa county. The young seedings of four cultivars were transplanted onto them. Results showed that all the cultivars expressed the symptom, even thought the symptoms appears several days later as compared with the man-made cadmium-polluted soil. The main reason is that the pH of the soil from the field is higher than that of the man-made soil.


Cadmium Soybean Azuki bean


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