  • 學位論文


A Performance Analysis of Implementing Collaborative Commerce Standard in the Semi-Conductor Foundry Industry

指導教授 : 湯明哲


近年來因網際網路技術的成熟,使得網際網路的運用已快速的席捲全球。許多企業期望藉由B2B提昇企業本身的競爭力,並為客戶提供更即時更好的服務,建立雙方夥伴的關係。 除了客戶入口網站之外,本個案的A 公司為了強化與策略性客戶之合作關係,進一步採用系統對系統 B2Bi (system-to-system, B2B Integration) 的合作模式,建立起在電子商務上雙方最緊密的合作關係。 本研究乃針對個案公司實際應用B2Bi 之結果,分析探討晶圓代工業在導入電子商務以及應用標準化電子商務之效益與定位。 本研究主要發現: 1) 晶圓代工業B2Bi連線以運籌相關(logistic)為主,其中又以在製品資料(WIP) 最被廣泛應用,電子訂單所佔比例次之,接下來則是出貨(shipping)資訊; 2) 一般的認知都假設IDM公司為了要應用現有內部的系統同時管理本身所擁有的晶圓廠與委外代工的部分,會有較強的動機直接由晶圓代工廠接收資料。本研究卻發現fabless所佔B2Bi客戶比例達58%,超過IDM的39%;3) IDM客戶採用產業標準的B2Bi連線數量的比例高達72%,而fabless客戶符合標準之比例卻只有37%;4) 採用標準化電子商務流程所節省之建製人力成本達59%;5) B2Bi連線的客戶對於電子商務服務滿意度大於未建製B2Bi連線的一般客戶,建議可以將B2Bi當作策略性的服務工具。


As the Internet technology is becoming more popular and mature these years, the usage of Internet has been quickly adopted around the world. There are a number of enterprises targeting Internet-enabled opportunities to increase the competency of company sand also providing better services to customers through B2B implementation. In addition to the customer portal service, the A-company of this case study extended its E-commerce service to B2Bi (Business-to-Business Integration) in order to tighten the collaborative relationship with strategic customers. This research will be based on A-company’s B2Bi implementation results to analyze the trend of E-commerce implementation and the adoption of B2Bi standard in the foundry industry. The findings of this research include: 1) The majority of foundry company’s B2Bi implementations is for logistic purpose. In terms of the ranking of the usage, WIP (Work-in-progress) is the most popular one. The Electronic Order Entry is the second one in the list, and the Shipping Notice is at the third place. 2) The percentage of fabless companies in terms of the number of B2Bi connected customers is 58%, and IDM is only 39%. This result is different with the common assumption that IDM has stronger intention to receive and consolidate foundry’s data with its own fab’s data than fabless. 3) 72% of B2Bi connected IDM customers are using industry B2Bi standards fromf RosettaNet, but the percentage of B2Bi connected fabless customers is 37% only following the standard. 4) The cost savings of using B2Bi standards can be as high as 59% compared with the customization for specific customer. 5) The customer satisfaction of B2Bi customers has significantly improved compared with the customers with generic B2B services.


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