  • 學位論文


The Impact of Global Budget on The Utilization of High-tech Medical Instruments

指導教授 : 鄭守夏


背景 高科技醫療的利用被認為是造成醫療費用上漲的重要原因。全民健保在民國91年7月實施醫院總額預算以控制醫療費用的上漲,是否改變醫院對高科技醫療儀器的利用行為,值得探討。 目的 1.探討總額預算制度的實施對高科技醫療儀器數量的影響。 2.探討總額預算制度的實施對高科技醫療儀器利用率的影響。 方法 本研究利用次級資料進行縱貫性研究,研究對象為台灣地區綜合型醫院,研究資料來源包括「民國87-95年台灣地區醫療機構現況及醫院醫療服務量統計資料」,以及「民國88-95年全民健康保險資料庫」,並分別就高科技醫療儀器之數量和利用率進行分析。 1.在控制市場供需與競爭等因素後,以分段迴歸模式分析總額預算制度實施前後,四種高科技醫療儀器數量的變動趨勢是否有差異,包括:電腦斷層掃描儀(CT)、磁振造影機(MRI)、高能遠距放射治療設備(HTE)、及體外震波碎石機(ESWL)。 2.在控制醫院層次與區域層次等因素後,以廣義估計方程式(generalized estimation equation, GEE)線性模式,分析總額預算制度實施前後,醫院門、住診中四種特定疾病之儀器利用率的變動趨勢,包括:頭部損傷病人之CT利用率、椎間盤突出病人之MRI利用率、腦惡性腫瘤病人之HTE利用率,以及腎臟結石病人之ESWL利用率等。 結果 1.總額實施對全國高科技醫療儀器數量沒有顯著影響,儀器數量隨年代增加但增幅漸減。 2.在醫院門診中,CT、MRI的利用率在總額之後呈現上升趨勢,HTE的利用率有逐年遞減趨勢,ESWL的利用率則先降後升。 3.在住診服務中,CT、MRI跟ESWL的利用率在總額之後呈現上升趨勢,其中CT跟ESWL在模式中的係數由93-95年漸小;MRI的係數在94-95年變小。總額預算對HTE利用率的影響則未達統計上顯著水準。 結論 1.總額預算制度的實施,可能減少了醫院購買儀器進行醫療競武的誘因,使CT、HTE、ESWL數量增加趨勢有減緩跡象。 2.總額預算制度的實施,使醫院高科技醫療儀器的利用率上升趨勢減緩,後續效應是否會持續,仍有待進一步的觀察研究。


Objectives The purposes of this study are to examine the effects of hospital global budget(GB) program on the hospital acquisition of high-tech medical instruments and the utilization of high-tech medical instruments. Methods The data used in this study came from two sources: the 1998-2006 Hospital and Services datasets and 1999-2006 National Health Insurance claimed datasets. This was a panel data design. The study came in two different parts: the number of high-tech medical instruments, and the utilization of high-tech medical instruments. With regard to the number of high tech medical instruments, we chose high-tech medical instruments, including Computerized Tomography(CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI), High-energy Teletherapy Equipment (HTE), and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL). Piecewise regression was used to examine the effect of GB on the hospital acquisition of high-tech medical instruments controlling for market characteristics. In terms of utilization, we selected patients with diagnosis of head injury, intervertebral disc disorders, malignant neoplasm, and calculus of kidney. Log transformed linear model with the generalized estimation equation (GEE) was used to examine the effect of GB on hospital’s utilization rate of high-tech medical instruments controlling for the hospital characteristics and regional characteristics. Results The GB policy had no significant impact on the number of high-tech medical instruments. The number of high-tech medical instruments increased over time, but at a descending pace. For the utilization of high-tech medical instruments, results indicated an increase in outpatient utilization of CT and MRI, contrary to the utilization of HTE. The outpatient utilization of ESWL declined during 2002-2004, but increased after 2005. The results also indicated that inpatient utilization of CT, MRI and ESWL was increasing, but at a descending pace. However, we found no significance association between the GB policy and the inpatient utilization of HTE. Conclusion With the implementation of global budget policy, the motivation of hospital to acquire the high-tech medical instruments decreased. The utilization rates of high-tech medical services increased, but at a descending pace. Future research could pay more attention to the follow-up evaluation of the impact of GB policy on the utilization of high-tech medical instruments. Key words: Global budget, medical arms race, high-tech medical instruments, piecewise regression, generalized estimation equation.


朱菊新、李玉春、黃昱瞳、葉玲玲、黃光華(2007)。醫院卓越計畫對精神分裂症 門診病患換藥行爲之影響。醫務管理期刊,8(4),301-316。


廖益誠(2011)。全民健保政策對醫藥產業經營策略與模式的影響- 以A公司為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.10957
