  • 學位論文


The Research of Competitive Strategy of Touch Panel Industry - Company A Case Study

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


自從蘋果i-Phone在2007年開始採用觸控螢幕以來,觸控螢幕便成為近年來最為熱門的關鍵電子產品之一;觸控螢幕它是人機介面一個革命性轉變,從傳統按鍵邁入觸控介面;應用部份從早期的工業電腦、人機介面、KIOSK 、ATM 、POS 、到近年來的智慧型手機、平板電腦、筆記型電腦等等無一不是觸控螢幕介面。也因為如此,吸引了眾多業者投入觸控螢幕的產業,形成完整又有效率的上、下游供應鏈,更加速技術研發、創新跟製造成本下降,形成正向循環,造就台灣跟日本,韓國,甚至中國崛起互相抗衡的觸控螢幕王國。 在這個競爭激烈又帶有獨特性的產業,哪些是構成競爭力的要素?這些要素能不斷持續嗎?如果要在這個產業生存及永續經營,未來可能的發展方向是甚麼?未來的競爭策略是甚麼?這是本研究想要探討的議題。 本研究依據波特(1980)的五力分析、價值鏈、Brandenburger (1996) 的價值網分析、和 Jones & Hill(2013)的競爭優勢、產業生命週期分析架構,作為分析觸控螢幕產業特性的方法。依據Jones 與Hill(2013) 『競爭優勢的基石』、『競爭優勢的根源』的研究,來檢視我國觸控螢幕產業“A 公司”的重要的競爭策略。 本研究歸納出觸控螢幕產業重要的競爭優勢的基石包括: 一、 卓越的效率 二、 卓越的品質 三、 卓越的創新 四、 卓越的顧客回應 本研究發現藉著上述卓越的效率、品質、創新、顧客回應等功能性策略,可以協助建立企業的資源及能耐,並創造出企業的『獨特能力』。而企業獨特能力則是創造出『競爭優勢』跟『獲利能力』的重要關鍵。 本研究提出觸控螢幕競爭策略如下: 一、 競爭的優勢來自於卓越的效率、卓越的品質、卓越的創新、卓越的顧客回應等功能性策略 。 二、 『集中成本領導』跟『差異化』等事業層級策略。 三、 『全球標準化』作為全球策略。 四、 『向前垂直整合到下游』、『向後策略聯盟到上游』、『局部策略性外包』的公司層級策略。 檢視正在發展的觸控技術中,以In-C ell 內嵌式觸控技術最具威脅性,目前因為良率偏低,成本較高,以及觸控IC 技術尚不成熟,預計再3-5 幾年光景有機會取代既有電阻式、電容式觸控螢幕產品;除此之外,聲控以及手勢、眼球辨識技術的發展也值得密切注意。


Touch Panel became one of the most popular & hot key component product in recent years whenever apple started to implement touch panel in the I-Phone product. It is the revolutionary transition from Key stroke to Touch Panel for the HMI(Human Machine Interface ). The major applications of touch panel are Industrial Personal Computer ,HMI (Human Machine Interface ), KIOSK,ATM (Automated Teller Machine ), POS (Point of Sales) and the Smart Phone , Tablet PC, Notebook PC ..etc。Because of the wide applications and big Market Demand , Many manufacturers join the production of Touch Panel and become the complete and efficient supply chain of touch panel industry and it speed up the research and innovation and cost reduction of touch panel,it become very serious competition of Taiwan , Japan , south Korea and even China Touch Panel manufacturer。 What are the key factors forming the capabilities of competence in this Touch Panel industry ? Are those factors sustainable ? What can the players do next to win the battle in the future ? Above are the interesting topics we want to discuss in this Thesis。 The Thesis is based on Porter’s “ Five Force of competition model” and” Value chain “ , Brandenburger’s “ Value Net concept” and Jones and Hill’s “ The competition advantage” , the concept of “ Life Cycle of industry “ are used to evaluate and analyze the environment of Touch Panel Industry . and Jones & Hill’s “ the foundation of competition advantage” . ” The foundation stone of competitive advantage “ concepts are used to evaluate the strategy of “A Company of Touch Panel industry and the potential threat to A Company” 。 According to the investigation ,The following are key success factors , foundation stones of touch panel industry: 1. Excellent Efficiency 2. Excellent Quality 3. Excellent Innovation 4. Excellent response to the customer According to the investigation , The enterprise can build up the resources and capabilities through the help of excellent efficiency , excellent quality , excellent innovation , excellent response to the customer . and it can help to create the “ distinctive capabilities” of the enterprise 。 The “distinctive capabilities” of the enterprise is the key factor to create the “ competition advantage” and “ the capabilities of making profit “ 。 According to the investigation ,competition strategy of touch panel industry described as below A. “ Competition advantage” come from function level strategy of excellent efficiency, excellent quality, excellent innovation, excellent response to the customer 。 B. “ Concentrated cost leading” and “ Product Differentiation” are the business level strategy C. “ Global standardization “ as the global level strategy D. “ Forward Downstream Vertical Integration “ ,” Backward Upstream Strategy alliance “ ,” Partial Strategic Outsourcing” are the three major strategy of company level . As for the developing technology of touch panel,In-Cell touch panel technology is the most threatened technology for the current On-Cell Touch Panel product 。 But the current production yield of In-Cell Touch Panel is still low and the cost is much higher, also the IC Technology of Touch Panel is not mature 。In-Cell could replace the On-Cell : Resistive and Projective Capacitive Touch Panel Technology in three to five years of the future 。 Except the In-Cell , Voice Recognition and Gesture control and Eye Ball Recognition are also remarkable,we need to pay more attention on these developing technology。


2. Google Search ,www.google.com
4. NPD Display Search ,www.displaysearch.com
3. Igor Ansoff (1965) ,” Corporate Strategy “ ,NY,McGraw-Hill。1965
5. Joseph. Alois Schumpeter (1934) ,”The theory of economic development Economic Development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle。” 1934
7. Michael E. Porter (1980) , Competitive Strategy : Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors “ , Free Press (Macmillan ) , New York, 1980.
