  • 學位論文


Study of the Color and Clarification on Processing of Cactus Juice

指導教授 : 徐源泰


仙人掌(Opuntia dillenii Haw)屬於仙人掌科,仙人掌屬,在臺灣澎湖有大量種植。由前人文獻中發現,仙人掌具有許多機能性之功能,如降低膽固醇、治療胃炎、免疫、治療糖尿病等功能。除外,其果實內有高含量的紅色色素,被證實具有抗氧化、治療癌症等功能。本實驗經在經過分光光度計在可見光下測定其吸光值下發現,仙人掌果實在538 nm下有最大吸收峰。由HPLC進一步在538 nm下分析發現,仙人掌果實的色素與Beta vulgaris甜菜根中的甜菜苷比對發現屬於同種色素。除外,在此波長下並無其他色素,故可以證實仙人掌果實的色素主要為甜菜苷。 將仙人掌果實製成果汁的過程中發現,仙人掌果在製成果汁後易發生褪色與沉澱問題。依據食品安全的規定,製成果汁長期儲藏的過程中需經過熱殺菌處理,而甜菜苷在受到熱的情況下易降解。甜菜苷容易受到熱與酸鹼的破壞而分解成betalamic acid(黃色)與cyclodopa-5-O-glycoside(無色)。除外,仙人掌果汁會有嚴重的沉澱與混濁發生,使得產品在推廣上更具難度。本實驗之目的在於減緩仙人掌果汁在貯藏的過程中其甜菜苷降解的問題發生外,也將進行果汁澄清方法。 研究結果發現,仙人掌果汁的pH值為4.02,屬於酸性食品,故適合以高溫短時的方式進行殺菌。本實驗以90℃下以不同加熱時間下發現,仙人掌果汁甜菜苷會隨著加熱時間越長,其甜菜苷降解的越嚴重,其中以加熱時間大於5分鐘之後最為明顯下降。故本實驗在加熱殺菌方面認為以仙人掌果汁以90℃5分鐘為最佳殺菌條件。穩定色素方面,以添加抗壞血酸與調整pH值之方式進行。本實驗以0.05%、0.1%、0.5%與1.0%的抗壞血酸發現,0.05%的抗壞血酸可以有效減緩仙人掌果汁甜菜苷在加熱下降解。然而在長期貯存的過程中發現,穩定仙人掌果汁甜菜苷的最佳比例為0.5%的抗壞血酸為。在pH值調整方面,結果顯示在強酸環境下仙人掌果降解得較快,而在弱鹼性境下降較慢降解,其中以弱酸性pH4-6之間為最佳穩定色素環境,在長期貯存下又以pH4為最佳穩定色素之pH值。故本實驗在穩定色素方面以添加0.5%抗壞血酸或調整pH值至5為最佳穩定色素之方法。 果汁澄清試驗方面發現,仙人掌果汁經過膜過濾處理之後發現有達到良好澄清的效果。其混濁度在控制組為576 NTU,經粗過濾後其混濁度下降至172 NTU與再經過膜過濾後甚至明顯降低至93.1 NTU。本實驗繼續以熱處理、不同酵素濃度進行處理發現,添加0.1%、0.5%與1.0%的食品級果膠分解酵素(PLCP)與分析級果膠分解酵素(EC.,其混濁度並沒有下降,反而使得果汁變得更混濁。在90℃5分鐘熱處理下的果汁混濁度則明顯下降至106 NTU,為最佳製備澄清仙人掌果汁的最佳條件。 由上述試驗結果可以得出,添加0.5%的抗壞血酸可以到達到仙人掌果汁甜菜苷穩定的效果,而在90℃5分鐘下加熱可以達到最佳的澄清效果外,亦可達到果汁殺菌的效果。


Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl) Haw is a cactus belonging to the family Opuntia which usually grows in semi-desert regions in the tropics and subtropics including the Penghu islands, Taiwan, namely “Xian Ren Zhang” in Chinese. Previous literature revealed that, the stem and fruit of this plant are used in a folk medicine for reducing cholesterol levels, treatment of gastric ulcers, inflammation, diabetes and others diseases. The extracted pigment of cactus fruit was identified as betanin by HPLC analysis. In juice processing, sediment is always found and juice color degrades seriously. The application of heat sterilization causes degradation of betanin. Betanin susceptible to damage from heat and acid and decomposes into betalamic acid (yellow) and cyclodopa-5-O-glycoside (colorless). Cactus fruit juice in acidic form (pH4.02), requives a thermal treatment below 100℃. In this experiment, betanin is degraded under 90℃ heat treatment in 30 s, 1 min,5 min, 10 min and 20 min. In the stability of pigment, ascorbic acid can slow this process down, together with suitable packaging. This study showed that 0.5% ascorbic acid works best to retain betanin color. In pH adjustment, the results showed that betanin of cactus very quickly in strong acid and degrades slowly in alkaline environment. Weak acidic (pH4.0) is the optimum for long-term storage. In clarification juice, after membrane filtration and heated, sedimentation problem decreased with good clarifying effect. Addition of pectinase, its did not help to clarity juice but brought turbidity. In conclusion, the optimal conditions of processing cactus fruit juice are under membrane filtration and 90℃ heat treatment in 5 minutes with 0.5% ascorbic acid for betanin color reservation.


betanin heat first order kinetics pectinase homogenization


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