  • 學位論文


Examining the Training Effects of Body–Mind Axial Awareness on Emotion Regulation and the Mediating Roles of Awareness and Working Memory Capacity

指導教授 : 連韻文


研究顯示以正念為基礎的相關課程或靜坐等靜觀練習能改善臨床患者及健康參與者的情緒調控並降低負面情緒,但對於該成效的機制目前仍未有定論。不同於過去研究,本論文以源於東亞禮樂傳統且以動作為基礎的靜觀練習―短版身心中軸覺察(BMAA-S)做為介入課程,並以前後測等待名單之控制組設計檢驗其對提升情緒調節能力的成效,且進一步探討個體覺察傾向以及工作記憶廣度的提升是否中介練習對於情緒調節的成效。情緒調節能力包含三種指標:負面情緒狀態(以貝克憂鬱量表測量)、自評生活情緒調節能力(以情緒調節困難量表當中三個分量表測量)以及負面情緒刺激干擾目標作業表現的程度(以情緒干擾作業測量)。覺察傾向分別以注意力覺察傾向(以止觀覺察注意量表測量)與身體覺察傾向(以多向度內感覺覺察量表測量)兩種量表分數作為指標。工作記憶廣度則以操作廣度作業測量。透過海報與網路招募之五十六名大學生與研究生平均分派至實驗組或等待控制組。前後測相隔兩週,實驗組在其間接受共九小時的BMAA-S 指導練習,控制組則無任何介入。主要發現如下:(一)前測時,三種情緒調節指標皆與兩種覺察傾向有顯著或邊際顯著相關,但與工作記憶廣度無關。(二)實驗組在後測時憂鬱程度顯著下降、自評情緒節能力提升,且情緒干擾作業中預先啟動執行控制後,能降低受到負面情緒刺激干擾的程度。控制組則無此改變。(三)實驗組也顯著提升兩種覺察量表分數與工作記憶廣度,以較短的練習時間重複驗證過去BMAA研究對此二者的成效。控制組同樣無此改變。(四)在實驗組中,負面情緒狀態及自評情緒調節能力的進步與覺察傾向的進步有關,與工作記憶廣度的進步幅度則無關。分析顯示身體覺察傾向進步幅度完全中介BMAA訓練對於負面情緒狀態及部分中介訓練對於自評情緒調節能力的成效,而注意力覺察傾向則無此中介效果。以上結果顯示雖以動作為基礎的短期靜觀練習並未指導不評價與接受的態度,但也能有效提升情緒調控能力,並首度發現可以降低負面刺激對目標作業干擾程度的成效。同時也首度顯示情緒調節的成效受到身體覺察而非注意力覺察或工作記憶的中介。


Studies have shown that contemplative practices, such as mindfulness-based interventions, can improve practitioners’ emotion regulation and reduce negative emotions. However, the underlying mechanism of these practices remains unclear. In addition to the taught attitudes of non-judgment and acceptance, both improved awareness and executive functions are candidate mediators of the training effects of emotion regulation. This thesis used the short version of body–mind axial awareness (BMAA-S), a movement-based contemplative practice originating from ancient ritual ensemble music and dance in East Asia (Li-Yue tradition), as an intervention course for two purposes. The first was to examine the training effect of 2-week-long 9-h BMAA-S courses on emotion regulation; the second was to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation and two individual difference factors, that is, the participants’ tendency of awareness and executive functions. A pretest–posttest waiting-list control group design was used. In total, 56 undergraduates and graduates were recruited and assigned to the groups. Participants’ degree of depression, self-report emotion regulation capacity in daily life, and ease of disengagement from negative emotional stimuli were used as indices of emotion regulation. Attention and body awareness were two aspects of participants’ awareness. Working memory span was assessed to represent executive functions. The main findings were as follows: (a) In the pretest, all indices of emotional regulation were significantly or marginally significantly correlated with awareness but not with working memory span. (b) The BMAA-S group, but not the control group, exhibited reduced negative emotions and increased self-report emotion regulation capacity. They also reduced emotional interference when activating executive control in advance. (c) The two aspects of awareness and working memory span were enhanced in the BMAA-S group but not in the control group. (d) In the BMAA-S group, the improved scores in depressive tendencies and self-report emotion regulation ability were both correlated with the training effect of both types of awareness but not with that of working memory span. Further analyses indicated that the training effects of emotion regulation were mediated only by body awareness. These results indicated that BMAA-S is an efficient means of enhancing emotion regulation by improving body awareness. The role of efficient top-down regulation was also discussed.


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